有 Java 编程相关的问题?





例如,一个wsdl有一个目标命名空间“http://foo.com/a.b.c”,另一个wsdl有“http://foo.com/a.b.c_2”。那么java包的名称将是com。福。a、 b表示两个名称空间,这是一种冲突


D.5.1 Mapping from a Namespace URI An XML namespace is represented by a URI. Since XML Namespace will be mapped to a Java package, it is necessary to specify a default mapping from a URI to a Java package name. The URI format is described in [RFC2396]. The following steps describe how to map a URI to a Java package name. The example URI, http://www.acme.com/go/espeak.xsd, is used to illustrate each step.

  1. Remove the scheme and ":" part from the beginning of the URI, if present. Since there is no formal syntax to identify the optional URI scheme, restrict the schemes to be removed to case insensitive checks for schemes “http” and “urn”.


  2. Remove the trailing file type, one of .?? or .??? or .html.





共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    请参阅Namespaces in XML 1.0§2.3 Comparing URI References

    URI references identifying namespaces are compared when determining whether a name belongs to a given namespace, and whether two names belong to the same namespace. [Definition: The two URIs are treated as strings, and they are identical if and only if the strings are identical, that is, if they are the same sequence of characters. ] The comparison is case-sensitive, and no %-escaping is done or undone.




    CXF: How to change package of WSDL imported XML Schema using JAXB external binding file?