有 Java 编程相关的问题?


Jgrasp java 26错误:应为类、接口或枚举


Lab 1.java:26: error: class, interface, or enum expected
Module main()
1 error


/*问题:租金 分析、设计并编写以下应用程序:
它允许用户输入房屋租金和 计算第一个月的付款。第一个月 付款包括保证金(相当于2个月的租金) 还有第一个月的租金。显示以下内容: 每月€™租金、保证金金额和最终付款

User: 1. Rent amount 
Given: N/A

Processing: 1. Calculate security deposit = 1 month rent * 2
        2. Calculate total first month rent = 
            1 month rent + security deposit

Output: 1. Price for 1 month of rent
    2. Price of security deposit 
    3. Total for first months' rent 


Module main()

Declare Real oneMonthRent = 0.0//One month rent entered by user
Declare Real securityDeposit = 0.0//2 months worth of rent
Declare Real firstMonthRent = 0.0//Security deposit + 1 month rent

Set oneMonthRent = Call getRent()//user entered

Set securityDeposit = Call calcDeposit(oneMonthRent)//oneMonthRent +    oneMonthRent
Set firstMonthRent = Call calcFirstMonthRent(oneMonthRent, securityDeposit)//oneMonthRent + securityDeposit

Call showRentAnalysis(oneMonthRent, securityDeposit, firstMonthRent)//Displays oneMonthRent, Deposit, and total first month

End Module

//Gets monthly rent cost from user
Function Real getRent()
Declare Real nRent = 0.0//local variable

Display "Enter monthly rent "

Input nRent

Return nRent
End Function

//Calculates the Security deposit
Function Real calcDeposit(Real noneMonthRent)
Declare Real ndeposit = 0.0//local variable

Set ndeposit = noneMonthRent + noneMonthRent

Return ndeposit
End Function

//Calculates total first month rent
Function Real calcFirstMonthRent(Real noneMonthRent,Real nsecurityDeposit)
Declare Real nfirstMonthRent = 0.0//local variable

Set nfirstMonthRent = noneMonthRent + nsecurityDeposit

Return nfirstMonthRent
End Function

//Displays  1 month of rent, security deposit, and final for first month
Module showRentAnalysis(Real noneMonthRent,Real nsecurityDeposit,Real nfirstMonthRent)

Display "One month worth of rent cost ", noneMonthRent
Display "Security deposit cost ", nsecurityDeposit
Display "Total for first month of rent is ", nfirstMonthRent
End Module

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            double rent = 500.50;
            double securityDeposit = rent*2;
            double firstMonth = rent+securityDeposit;