有 Java 编程相关的问题?




  1. Eclipse最好的、免费的、简单的版本是什么
  2. 如何下载
  3. 我还需要下载什么?(例如javaw.exe、Jdk、jdr或类似的东西)
  4. 如何下载
  5. 我如何设置它们
  6. 设置完所有内容后,如何使用所有内容


共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    1. Eclipse最好的、免费的、简单的版本是什么

      All eclipse versions are good. The most simple one if you want java then go for Eclipse for Java Developers. And later when you get more experienced you can go for the Eclipse for Java EE (current links are for Eclipse Oxygen versions). A good bundle comparison can be found in this link

    2. 如何下载

      See download links in http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

    3. 我还需要下载什么?(例如javaw.exe、Jdk、jdr或类似的东西)

      You need a JDK, and make sure the JDK and Eclipse version have same bit. If you install a 64 bit version of Eclipse then you need a 64bit version JDK.

    4. 如何下载?

      See Oracle page, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

    5. 我如何设置它们?

      It is straight forward, just install JDK and it will guide you thru. And then install the Eclipse and thats it.

    6. 设置完所有内容后,如何使用所有内容?

      This is the tricky part! Google for Java lessons on Youtube, or Learn Java programming for kids etc.