有 Java 编程相关的问题?


共 (3) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


  2. # 2 楼答案


    请注意com.sun.*包不应与sun.*包混淆,后者是Oracle JRE背后的内部类,您应该absolutely not在代码中导入/使用它们,因为这会使代码与JRE make/版本紧密耦合。完全不使用sun.*包可以让您在所有其他JRE实现(OpenJDK、GCJ等)上运行代码

  3. # 3 楼答案

    有许多地方使用com.sun包(其中一些在其他答案中提到)。这个答案只是专门针对JavaFX中com.sun的使用JavaFX is a UI library which is part of OpenJDK

    很多JavaFX implementation is in ^{} classes。当JavaFX开源时,JavaFX开发人员就JavaFX中com.sun类的使用提出了following comment

    As always, non-public API (or rather, unsupported API, meaning anything that is not in the javafx namespace such as com.sun.*) cannot be depended on from release to release. But for those of you wondering how things work, there is some very important stuff buried in the unsupported packages, and for those of you wanting to actually hack on OpenJFX, this will be of even greater interest.