有 Java 编程相关的问题?



当我在do while循环中运行以下代码时(省略);它打印两行要求输入歌曲名称的内容&;同时也要注意尺寸。但是,在请求文件大小之前,它从不收集名称的字符串输入



            import java.util.*;
            Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); //After importing Scanner.

            option = console.nextInt(); // User chooses an option (add / delete song, etc.) by pressing a number. Only adding is relevant here.

            do { // Code inside a do-while loop which repeats for entering name / file size on 4 songs.
            song = console.nextInt(); // User chooses to add name / file size to either song1, song2, song3 or song 4 (there is a maximum of 4 song objects).

            System.out.println("Please enter the name of a song.");
            name = console.nextLine();

            System.out.println("Please enter file size in MB.");
            do { // This do-while checks input to be an integer / not negative & then it assigns the input as...
            fileSize = console.nextInt();
            // end of do-while loop which checks the integer.

            // end of do-while loop which lets user add name / size to a maximum of 4 songs.

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