有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我正在调试我的类。这个类正在通过一个boggle board并找到每一条可用的路径。路径包括水平、垂直和对角线。你不能重复一步。我现在有很多打印语句试图找出我的错误,但我似乎找不到。我把这些留在家里了。我想这与我的当前路径[]有关。任何提示都将不胜感激

public class FindWords {
String [][] board;
final int LAST_LETTER = 2;
final int BEEN_THERE = 1;
final int AVAILABLE = 0;
BoggleDictionary Dictionary;

private StackADT<SearchWords> searchStack = new ArrayStack<SearchWords>();
public StackADT<SearchWords> foundStack = new ArrayStack<SearchWords>();

public FindWords (String [][] board) throws Exception {
    this.board = board;
    this.Dictionary = new BoggleDictionary();
    //this.foundStack = null;

public void startSearch(){

    for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){
            String firstLetter = "";
            int [][] pathBoard = makeBlankBoard();

            pathBoard[i][j] = LAST_LETTER;

            System.out.println(">>" + Arrays.deepToString(pathBoard));
            firstLetter = board[i][j];
            System.out.println("first letters : " + firstLetter + " <====");
            SearchWords thisPath = new SearchWords(pathBoard, firstLetter);


private boolean Search(){
    while (!searchStack.isEmpty())

        SearchWords searchObj = searchStack.pop();
        int [][] currentPath = searchObj.getPath();

        int [][] array = new int [currentPath.length][currentPath[0].length];
        for (int i = 0; i <currentPath.length; i++){
            for (int j = 0; j <currentPath[0].length; j++){
                array[i][j] = currentPath[i][j];
        String makingString = searchObj.getString();

        if (makingString.length() > 2){
            if (Dictionary.contains(makingString)){

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i ++){
            for (int j = 0; j < array[0].length; j++){
                if (array[i][j] == LAST_LETTER){ //finding the last position in the string
                    int x = i;
                    int y = j;
                    //array[i][j] = BEEN_THERE;
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x+1, y+1, i, j); //lower left then going counter-clockwise
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x, y+1, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x-1, y+1, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x-1, y, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x-1, y-1, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x, y-1, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x+1, y-1, i, j);
                    pushPosition(searchObj, x+1, y, i, j);


    return true;


private void pushPosition (SearchWords obj, int x, int y, int i, int j){
    int [][] currentPath = obj.getPath();
    String makingString = obj.getString();
    System.out.println("In push method: " + Arrays.deepToString(currentPath) +x+y+i+j);

    if (validPosition(x, y, currentPath)){

        currentPath[x][y] = LAST_LETTER;
        currentPath[i][j] = BEEN_THERE;

        System.out.println("after valid ch: "+ Arrays.deepToString(currentPath));

        makingString = makingString + board[x][y];
        SearchWords newPath = new SearchWords(currentPath, makingString);

        System.out.println("is string getting longer: " + makingString);
        System.out.println("Stack size: " + searchStack.size());

        System.out.println("pushing back on stack"+ Arrays.deepToString(currentPath));

private boolean validPosition (int x, int y, int [][] path){
    boolean result = false;

    if (x >= 0 && x < board.length && y >= 0 && y < board[x].length){
        if (path[x][y] == AVAILABLE){
            System.out.println("Checked position : " + x + y);
            result = true;
    return result;
private int [][] makeBlankBoard(){
    int row = board.length;
    int col = board[0].length;
    int [][] blankBoard = new int [row][col];

    for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){
            blankBoard[i][j] = AVAILABLE;

    return blankBoard;



private void Search(){
    while (!searchStack.isEmpty())
        System.out.println("stack size in search: " + searchStack.size());

        SearchWords searchObj = searchStack.pop();
        int lastLetterRow = searchObj.getRow();
        int lastLetterCol = searchObj.getCol();
        String stringSoFar = searchObj.getString();
        int [][] pathBoard = searchObj.getPath();

        System.out.println ("row then Col: " + lastLetterRow + lastLetterCol);
        System.out.println ("string so far: " + stringSoFar);
        System.out.println("Path board so far in search: " + Arrays.deepToString(pathBoard)+ "\n");

        if (stringSoFar.length() > 2){
            if (Dictionary.contains(stringSoFar)){
            System.out.println("Found word!! " + stringSoFar);
        System.out.println("made it past if dict");

        //lower left then going counter-clockwise
        pushPosition (pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow+1, lastLetterCol+1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition (pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol+1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol+1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow-1, lastLetterCol+1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow-1, lastLetterCol, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow-1, lastLetterCol-1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol-1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow+1, lastLetterCol-1, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);
        pathBoard = makeCopy(pathBoard);
        pushPosition(pathBoard, stringSoFar, lastLetterRow+1, lastLetterCol, lastLetterRow, lastLetterCol);

    System.out.println("FOUND WORDS:");
        SearchWords foundWords = foundStack.pop();

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案




    • 路径中最后一个字母的位置(对于在路径中执行下一步非常有用,如在算法中)
    • 指向该点的上一条路径(将是同一类型的对象)


    class SearchPath {
        int x, y;
        String string;
        SearchPath prior;
        // x,y are most recent position; prior is the path up to this point, or null
        public SearchPath(int x, int y, String board, SearchPath prior) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.string = (prior != null ? prior.string : "") + board[x][y];
            this.prior = prior;
        // To check if an x,y location collides with this path
        public contains(int x, int y) {
            if (this.x == x && this.y == y) {
                return true;
            } else if (prior == null) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return prior.contains(x,y);

    在初始循环(startSearch)中,您将推送没有优先路径的对象(new SearchPath(i, j, board, null))。在search循环中,您将弹出其中一个,然后在检查新的x/y坐标是否未通过contains方法使用后,按下new SearchPath(searchPath.x - 1, searchPath.y, board, searchPath)。(请注意,使用堆栈存储搜索路径可能也不是必需的,因为您只需进行递归搜索调用即可获得相同的搜索模式。)