有 Java 编程相关的问题?






  • 左下角点=(0,1)
  • 右上角点=(3,4)



see added code sample below




  • 使用初始点定义正方形的中点(p0)
  • 使用初始点+中点定义正方形的4个角点(顺时针方向的p1、p2、p3和p4,从左下角开始)


see added code sample below


编辑 显示我的实现的一些实际代码:

public class Point implements IPoint {
    double x, y;

    public Point(double x, double y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public double x() {
        return x;

    public double y() {
        return y;

    public IPoint midPoint(IPoint other) {
        return new Point((x() + other.x()) / 2, (y() + other.y()) / 2);

public class Rectangle implements IRectangle {
    IPoint p0, p1, p2, p3, p4;

    public Rectangle(IPoint v1, IPoint v2) {
        double dx, dy, dl;
        IPoint v0;

        // calculate dominant length
        dx = Math.abs(v1.x() - v2.x());
        dy = Math.abs(v1.y() - v2.y());
        dl = dx >= dy ? dx : dy;

        if (dx >= dy) {
            // make sure v0 = left-most
            if (v1.x() <= v2.x()) {
                v0 = v1;
                v1 = v2;
            } else {
               v0 = v2;
        } else {
            // make sure v0 = bottom-most
            if (v1.y() <= v2.y()) {
                v0 = v1;
                v1 = v2;
            } else {
                v0 = v2;

        this.p0 = v0.midPoint(v1);
        if (dx >= dy) {
            // this way v0 and v1 are always on the vertical boundaries
            this.p1 = new Point(v0.x(), this.p0.y() - dl / 2);
            this.p2 = new Point(v0.x(), this.p0.y() + dl / 2);
            this.p3 = new Point(v1.x(), this.p0.y() + dl / 2);
            this.p4 = new Point(v1.x(), this.p0.y() - dl / 2);
        } else {
            // this way v0 and v1 are always on the horizontal boundaries
            this.p1 = new Point(this.p0.x() - dl / 2, v0.y());
            this.p2 = new Point(this.p0.x() - dl / 2, v1.y());
            this.p3 = new Point(this.p0.x() + dl / 2, v1.y());
            this.p4 = new Point(this.p0.x() + dl / 2, v0.y());

    public boolean contains(IPoint p) {
        if (p.x() < p1.x() || p.x() > p4.x()) return false;
        if (p.y() < p1.y() || p.y() > p2.y()) return false;
        return true;

    public IRectangle[] subdivide() {
        return new Rectangle[] {
            new Rectangle(p0, p2),
            new Rectangle(p0, p3),
            new Rectangle(p0, p4),
            new Rectangle(p0, p1)


public void testMassedSubdivide() throws Exception {
    Random r = new Random();
    IPoint p1, p2;
    IRectangle[] rects;
    boolean check1, check2;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        p1 = new Point(r.nextDouble(), r.nextDouble());
        p2 = new Point(r.nextDouble(), r.nextDouble());
        q = new Rectangle(p1, p2);

        rects = q.subdivide();
        check1 = rects[0].contains(p1) || rects[1].contains(p1) || rects[2].contains(p1) || rects[3].contains(p1);
        check2 = rects[0].contains(p2) || rects[1].contains(p2) || rects[2].contains(p2) || rects[3].contains(p2);


p1 = (0.31587198758298796,  0.12796964677511913)
p2 = (0.04837609765424089,  0.6711236142940149)


p0=(0.31791253449833834,    0.2637581386548431),    
p1=(0.18212404261861442,    0.12796964677511916), <- wrong, last 6 should be 3  
p2=(0.18212404261861442,    0.39954663053456707),   
p3=(0.4537010263780623,     0.39954663053456707),   
p4=(0.4537010263780623,     0.12796964677511916)  <- wrong, last 6 should be 3

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案





    IPoint centroid, bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight;
    public Rectangle(IPoint v0, IPoint v1) {
        IPoint bottomLeft = new Point(Math.min(v0.x(), v1.x()), Math.min(v0.y(), v1.y()));
        IPoint topRight   = new Point(Math.max(v0.x(), v1.x()), Math.max(v0.y(), v1.y()));
        // calculate dominant length
        double dx = topRight.x() - bottomLeft.x();
        double dy = topRight.y() - bottomLeft.y();  // Assumes (0, 0) is in the bottom-left.
        double dl = dx >= dy ? dx : dy;
        this.centroid = bottomLeft.midPoint(topRight);
        if (dx == dy)  // special case where it is square <- important, because this one fixes the errors
            this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
            this.topLeft = new Point(bottomLeft.x(), topRight.y());
            this.topRight = topRight;
            this.bottomRight = new Point(topRight.x(), bottomLeft.y());
        else if (dx >= dy) {
            // this way bottomLeft and topRight are always on the vertical boundaries
            this.bottomLeft  = new Point(bottomLeft.x(), this.centroid.y() - dl / 2);
            this.topLeft     = new Point(bottomLeft.x(), this.centroid.y() + dl / 2);
            this.bottomRight = new Point(topRight.x(), this.centroid.y() - dl / 2);
            this.topRight    = new Point(topRight.x(), this.centroid.y() + dl / 2);
        } else {
            // this way bottomLeft and topRight are always on the horizontal boundaries
            this.bottomLeft  = new Point(this.centroid.x() - dl / 2, bottomLeft.y());
            this.topLeft     = new Point(this.centroid.x() - dl / 2, topRight.y());
            this.bottomRight = new Point(this.centroid.x() + dl / 2, bottomLeft.y());
            this.topRight    = new Point(this.centroid.x() + dl / 2, topRight.y());
  2. # 2 楼答案


    public class Rectangle implements IRectangle {
        IPoint centroid, bottomLeft, topLeft, bottomRight, topRight;
        public Rectangle(IPoint v0, IPoint v1) {
            IPoint bottomLeft = new Point(Math.min(v0.x, v1.x), Math.min(v0.y, v1.y));
            IPoint topRight   = new Point(Math.max(v0.x, v1.x), Math.max(v0.y, v1.y));
            // calculate dominant length
            double dx = topRight.x - bottomLeft.x;
            double dy = topRight.y - bottomLeft.y;  // Assumes (0, 0) is in the bottom-left.
            double dl = dx >= dy ? dx : dy;
            this.centroid = bottomLeft.midPoint(topRight);
            if (dx >= dy) {
                // this way bottomLeft and topRight are always on the vertical boundaries
                this.bottomLeft  = new Point(bottomLeft.x(), this.centroid.y() - dl / 2);
                this.topLeft     = new Point(bottomLeft.x(), this.centroid.y() + dl / 2);
                this.bottomRight = new Point(topRight.x(), this.centroid.y() - dl / 2);
                this.topRight    = new Point(topRight.x(), this.centroid.y() + dl / 2);
            } else {
                // this way bottomLeft and topRight are always on the horizontal boundaries
                this.bottomLeft  = new Point(this.centroid.x() - dl / 2, bottomLeft.y());
                this.topLeft     = new Point(this.centroid.x() - dl / 2, topLeft.y());
                this.bottomRight = new Point(this.centroid.x() + dl / 2, bottomLeft.y());
                this.topRight    = new Point(this.centroid.x() + dl / 2, topLeft.y());
        public boolean contains(IPoint p) {
            if (p.x() < bottomLeft.x() || p.x() > topRight.x()) return false;
            if (p.y() < bottomLeft.y() || p.y() > topRight.y()) return false;
            return true;
        public IRectangle[] subdivide() {
            return new Rectangle[] {
                new Rectangle(centroid, bottomLeft),
                new Rectangle(centroid, topLeft),
                new Rectangle(centroid, bottomRight),
                new Rectangle(centroid, topRight)
