有 Java 编程相关的问题?


solaris 10,java 6,文件。“存在”无法查看现有文件

我有一个代码,可以将数百万个小文件组成tar档案,因此我决定使用solaris机器的/tmp文件夹。然后我创建了一个ramdisk,现在使用我创建的ramdisk(/ramdata)代替/tmp。。 以下是我为完成任务所做的:


然后我看到了这篇帖子Alternative to File.exists() in Java,我相应地修改了代码,以便NFS重置缓存,但它也不起作用


我使用的是Java6U21,它是一台Solaris 10机器

以下是我尝试的最终代码:我知道这段代码有我之前尝试过的一些迹象——比如我实例化一个文件对象并用fileExists变量检查其存在的地方…-这肯定不会像预期的那样有效,但因为现在我只是想看看文件的真实结果。存在(),我忽略它们。主要的例外是czf。以_md5方法为例,它的第一行是FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename);

public static synchronized void CreateZipFileFromSingleFolder(String folder,int CDNumber) throws Exception{

    CreateZipFile czf = new CreateZipFile();
        System.err.println(folder + " tarlaniyor...");
        Process p=null;

        String tarName=CDFolderInfo.getID()+"_cd_"+CDNumber + ".tar ";
        String tarFolder=CDFolderInfo.getPathRoot();
        //String komut = "tar -cf " + tarFolder+"/"+tarName+"  "+ folder;
        String komut = "tar -cf " + "/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/"+tarName+"  "+ folder;
        try {
            System.err.println(komut + " ----- komutu ile tarlama yapilacak.......");
            p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(komut);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        System.err.println("system exit value:  "  + p.exitValue());
                Process p3=null;
                p3=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo");
                    System.err.println("LS CDREPO ICIN BASARILI OLARAK CALISTI...");

                /*Process p4=null;
                p4=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l " +tarFolder+"/"+tarName);
                    System.err.println("LS TAR FOLDER ICIN BASARILI OLARAK CALISTI...");

                File f2=new File("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/"+tarName);

                System.err.println("Absolute Path : "+f2.getAbsolutePath());
                System.err.println("         Path : "+f2.getPath());
                System.err.println("Canonical Path : "+f2.getCanonicalPath());
                System.err.println("is File : "+f2.isFile());
                System.err.println("Length : "+f2.length());
                System.err.println("is Hidden : "+f2.isHidden());

                    System.err.println("Dosya cdrepoda...");
                    System.err.println("dosya derepoda degil...");

                try {
                    System.err.println("MD5 alma succeed...");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                    System.err.println("Tar tasima succeed..");
                    System.err.println("move komutu basarili , ama dosyayi bulamiyorum...");

                System.err.println("p == 0 yanlis... Tar olusturma failed..");

            /*System.err.println("tar file existence will be checked..");*/
            File f=new File(tarFolder+"/"+tarName);
            boolean fileExists = FileUtils.waitFor(f, 10);
                System.err.println("tar succeeded .... " + tarFolder+"/"+tarName);
                System.err.println("tar file existence PASSED ..");
                System.err.println("tar process didnt fail, but actually failed...");

        /*  Process p2 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mv " + tarFolder+"/"+tarName+"  "+ "cdrepo/"+tarName);

                //System.err.println("p2 == 0 kontrolu dogru....");
                Process p1=null;
                try {
                    p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm -rf " + folder );
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                try {
                        System.err.println("Dizin silme tamamlandı... " + folder);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //  }


    /ramdata/cdtemp_125_1 tarlaniyor...
tar -cf /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar   /ramdata/cdtemp_125_1 ----- komutu ile tarlama yapilacak.......
system exit value:  0
Absolute Path : /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar 
         Path : /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar 
Canonical Path : /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar 
is File : false
Length : 0
is Hidden : false
dosya derepoda degil...
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar  (No such file or directory)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:66)
        at staticcdbuildernewver.CreateZipFile.take_md5(CreateZipFile.java:34)
        at staticcdbuildernewver.OracleSideDbOps.CreateZipFileFromSingleFolder(OracleSideDbOps.java:723)

这是Jayan建议的桁架命令的输出: 它似乎无法解析路径:(但由于我不擅长UNIX linux,我几乎无法理解它的含义。)

/37:    1179.9948       write(2, " L S   C D R E P O   I C".., 41)      = 41
/21:    1179.9948       lwp_cond_wait(0x08234D48, 0x08234D30, 0xB60D6C08, 0) = 0
/21:    1179.9949       mprotect(0xFEC60000, 4096, PROT_READ)           = 0
/37:    1179.9950           Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xFE4B49A1
/37:          siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR addr=0xFEC60280
/37:    1179.9950           Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
/37:          siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_ACCERR addr=0xFEC60280
/21:    1179.9950       mprotect(0xFEC60000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) = 0
/37:    1179.9950       lwp_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xFFBFFEFF, 0x0000FFF7) = 0xFFBFFEFF [0x0000FFFF]
/37:    1179.9951       setcontext(0xB5A6C1C0)
/21:    1179.9951       mprotect(0xFEE20000, 4096, PROT_NONE)           = 0
/21:    1179.9957       mprotect(0xFEE20000, 4096, PROT_READ)           = 0
/21:    1179.9958       lwp_cond_signal(0x0849D448)                     = 0
/37:    1179.9958       lwp_cond_wait(0x0849D448, 0x0849D430, 0x00000000, 0) = 0
/21:    1179.9959       lwp_cond_signal(0x084BDC48)                     = 0
/39:    1179.9959       lwp_cond_wait(0x084BDC48, 0x084BDC30, 0x00000000, 0) = 0
/37:    1179.9959       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/39:    1179.9959       mprotect(0xB5BDC000, 12288, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) = 0
/37:    1179.9960       write(2, " / o p t / d i s t / d i".., 15)      = 15
/39:    1179.9960       lwp_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0x00000004, 0x00000000) = 0xFFBFFEFF [0x0000FFFF]
/37:    1179.9961       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/39:    1179.9961       lwp_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xFFBFFEFF, 0x0000FFF7) = 0xFFBFFEFF [0x0000FFFF]
/37:    1179.9962       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/39:    1179.9962       lwp_exit()
/37:    1179.9963       write(2, " / o p t / d i s t / d i".., 15)      = 15
/37:    1179.9964       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9964       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9965       write(2, " A b s o l u t e   P a t".., 52)      = 52
/37:    1179.9966       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9967       write(2, "                   P a t".., 52)      = 52
/37:    1179.9967       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9968       resolvepath("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", 0xB5A6C3C0, 1024) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9969       resolvepath("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo", "/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo", 1024) = 22
/37:    1179.9970       write(2, " C a n o n i c a l   P a".., 53)      = 53
/37:    1179.9970       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9971       stat64("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", 0xB5A6C6C0) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9972       write(2, " i s   F i l e   :   f a".., 15)      = 15
/37:    1179.9972       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9973       stat64("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", 0xB5A6C700) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9974       write(2, " L e n g t h   :   0", 10)            = 10
/37:    1179.9975       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9975       stat64("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", 0xB5A6C6C0) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9976       write(2, " i s   H i d d e n   :  ".., 17)      = 17
/37:    1179.9977       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9977       write(2, " / o p t / d i s t / d i".., 15)      = 15
/37:    1179.9978       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9979       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9979       stat64("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", 0xB5A6C700) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9980       write(2, " d o s y a   d e r e p o".., 23)      = 23
/37:    1179.9980       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9981       open64("/opt/dist/dist1/cdrepo/125_cd_1.tar ", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
/37:    1179.9983       write(2, " j a v a . i o . F i l e".., 95)      = 95
/37:    1179.9984       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9986       write(2, "\t a t   j a v a . i o .".., 47)      = 47
/37:    1179.9986       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9987       write(2, "\t a t   j a v a . i o .".., 60)      = 60
/37:    1179.9987       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9988       write(2, "\t a t   j a v a . i o .".., 59)      = 59
/37:    1179.9988       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9989       write(2, "\t a t   s t a t i c c d".., 71)      = 71
/37:    1179.9990       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9990       write(2, "\t a t   s t a t i c c d".., 97)      = 97
/37:    1179.9991       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9991       write(2, "\t a t   s t a t i c c d".., 68)      = 68
/37:    1179.9992       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9993       write(2, "\t a t   s t a t i c c d".., 87)      = 87
/37:    1179.9993       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9994       write(2, "\t a t   s t a t i c c d".., 55)      = 55
/37:    1179.9995       write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
/37:    1179.9995       write(2, "\t a t   j a v a . l a n".., 41)      = 41

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