有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我一直在做一个项目,在这个项目中,我用Backus–Naur Form grammar notation获取一个文件,并用它生成句子。以下是我正在处理的BNF文件:

<s>::=<np> <vp>
<np>::=<dp> <adjp> <n>|<pn>
<adjp>::=<adj>|<adj> <adjp>
<vp>::=<tv> <np>|<iv>


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at GrammarSolver.generate(GrammarSolver.java:95) at GrammarSolver.generate(GrammarSolver.java:109) at GrammarSolver.generate(GrammarSolver.java:116) at GrammarSolver.generate(GrammarSolver.java:116) at GrammarSolver.(GrammarSolver.java:51) at GrammarTest.main(GrammarTest.java:19)



import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

class GrammarSolver {

    //Create output variable for sentences
    String output = "";

    //Create a map for storing grammar
    SortedMap<String, String[]> rules = new TreeMap<String, String[]>();

    //Create a queue for managing sentences
    Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();

     * Constructor for GrammarSolver
     * Accepts a List<String> then processes it splitting
     * BNF notation into a TreeMap so that "A ::= B" is
     * loaded into the tree so the key is A and the data
     * contained is B
     * @param       grammar     List of Strings with a set of
     *                          grammar rules in BNF form.
    public GrammarSolver(List<String> grammar){
        //Convert list to string
        String s = grammar.toString();

        //Split and clean
        String[] parts = s.split("::=|,");
        for(int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
            parts[i] = parts[i].trim();
            parts[i] = parts[i].replaceAll("\\[|]", "");
            //parts[i] = parts[i].replaceAll("[ \t]+", "");

        //Load into TreeMap
        for(int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i+=2){
            String[] temp = parts[i+1].split("\\|");
            rules.put(parts[i], temp);

        String[] test = generate("<s>", 2);

     * Method to check if a certain non-terminal (such as <adj>
     * is present in the map.
     * Accepts a String and returns true if said non-terminal is
     * in the map, and therefore a valid grammar. Returns false
     * otherwise.
     * @param       symbol      The string that will be checked
     * @return      boolean     True if present, false if otherwise
    public boolean grammarContains(String symbol){
            return true;
            return false;

     * Method to generate sentences based on BNF notation and
     * return them as strings.
     * @param       symbol      The BNF symbol to be generated
     * @param       times       The number of sentences to be generated
     * @return      String      The generated sentence
    public String[] generate(String symbol, int times){
        //Array for output
        String[] output = new String[times];

        for(int i = 0; i < times; i++){
            //Clear array for run
            output[i] = "";

            //Grab rules, and store in an array
            lString[] grammar = rules.get(symbol);

            //Generate random number and assign to var
            int rand = randomNumber(grammar.length);

            //Take chosen grammar and split into array
            String[] rules =  grammar[rand].toString().split("\\s");

            //Determine if the rule is terminal or not
                //System.out.println("grammar has more grammars");
                //Find if there is one or more conditions
                if(rules.length == 1){
                    String[] returnString = generate(rules[0], 1);
                    output[i] += returnString[0];
                    output[i] += " ";
                }else if(rules.length > 1){
                    for(int j = 0; j < rules.length; j++){
                        String[] returnString = generate(rules[j], 1);
                        output[i] += returnString[0];
                        output[i] += " ";
                String[] returnArr = new String[1];
                returnArr[0] = grammar[rand];;
                return returnArr;
            output[i] = output[i].trim();
        return output;

     * Method to list all valid non-terminals for the current grammar
     * @return      String      A listing of all valid non-terminals
     *                          contained in the current grammar that
     *                          can be used to generate words or
     *                          sentences.
    String getSymbols(){
        return rules.keySet().toString();

    public int randomNumber(int max){
        Random rand = new Random();
        int returnVal = rand.nextInt(max);
        return returnVal;


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class GrammarTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);

        // open grammar file
        Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("sentence.txt"));

        // read the grammar file and construct the grammar solver
        List<String> grammar = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (input.hasNextLine()) {
            String next = input.nextLine().trim();
            if (next.length() > 0)
        GrammarSolver solver =
            new GrammarSolver(Collections.unmodifiableList(grammar));





94 //generate random number and assign to var
95     int rand = randomNumber(grammar.length);
105//Find if there is one or more conditions
106    if(rules.length == 1){
115 for(int j = 0; j < rules.length; j++){
116    String[] returnString = generate(rules[j], 1);

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



  2. # 2 楼答案


