有 Java 编程相关的问题?




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但我找不到一个好办法来摆脱它。有人有线索吗?我试着要最后一个孩子,但我就是找不到。我试过使用正则表达式,我可以得到最后一个节点,但我不能正确地替换它们,以获得所需的xml。 泰



private static String replaceNodes(String simpleRegex, String xml)

    String tagMultiple;
    String expresionRegular = "("+simpleRegex+")+";

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expresionRegular);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(xml);

    while(matcher.find())  // Here we look for all the nodes that are repeated . EJ  <cite id="asda"><cite id="asda"><cite id="asda">
         Pattern patternSimple = Pattern.compile(simpleRegex);
        Matcher matcherSimple = patternSimple.matcher(xml);
        String tagUnicoEnd ="";
        if (matcherSimple.find()) //Here we get only one node. <cite id="asda">
            tagUnicoEnd = matcher.group(1);         

        tagMultiple = matcher.group();                  
        xml =xml.replace(tagMultiple,tagUnicoEnd);  //we replace all the repetead nodes, with the unique one.

    return xml;                         

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    private static String replaceNodes(String simpleRegex, String xml)
        String tagMultiple;
        String expresionRegular = "("+simpleRegex+")+";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expresionRegular);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(xml);
        while(matcher.find())  // Here we look for all the nodes that are repeated . EJ  <cite id="asda"><cite id="asda"><cite id="asda">
             Pattern patternSimple = Pattern.compile(simpleRegex);
            Matcher matcherSimple = patternSimple.matcher(xml);
            String tagUnicoEnd ="";
            if (matcherSimple.find()) //Here we get only one node. <cite id="asda">
                tagUnicoEnd = matcher.group(1);         
            tagMultiple = matcher.group();                  
            xml =xml.replace(tagMultiple,tagUnicoEnd);  //we replace all the repetead nodes, with the unique one.
        return xml;                         