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public class CorrectorClientMain extends Application implements MapComponentInitializedListener { protected GoogleMapView mapComponent; protected GoogleMap map; private Button btnZoomIn; private Button btnZoomOut; private Label lblZoom; private Label lblCenter; private Label lblClick; private ComboBox<MapTypeIdEnum> mapTypeCombo; @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception { mapComponent = new GoogleMapView(); mapComponent.addMapInializedListener(this); BorderPane bp = new BorderPane(); ToolBar tb = new ToolBar(); btnZoomIn = new Button("Zoom In"); btnZoomIn.setOnAction(e -> { map.zoomProperty().set(map.getZoom() + 1); }); btnZoomIn.setDisable(true); btnZoomOut = new Button("Zoom Out"); btnZoomOut.setOnAction(e -> { map.zoomProperty().set(map.getZoom() - 1); }); btnZoomOut.setDisable(true); lblZoom = new Label(); lblCenter = new Label(); lblClick = new Label(); mapTypeCombo = new ComboBox<>(); mapTypeCombo.setOnAction( e -> { map.setMapType(mapTypeCombo.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() ); }); mapTypeCombo.setDisable(true); Button btnType = new Button("Map type"); btnType.setOnAction(e -> { map.setMapType(MapTypeIdEnum.HYBRID); }); tb.getItems().addAll(btnZoomIn, btnZoomOut, mapTypeCombo, new Label("Zoom: "), lblZoom, new Label("Center: "), lblCenter, new Label("Click: "), lblClick); bp.setTop(tb); bp.setCenter(mapComponent); bp.setLeft(btnType); Scene scene = new Scene(bp); stage.setScene(scene); stage.show(); } public void mapInitialized() { //Once the map has been loaded by the Webview, initialize the map details. LatLong center = new LatLong(48.8539819,37.6144408); mapComponent.addMapInializedListener(() -> { // This call will fail unless the map is completely ready. //checkCenter(center); }); MapOptions options = new MapOptions(); options.center(center) .mapMarker(true) .zoom(12) .overviewMapControl(false) .panControl(false) .rotateControl(false) .scaleControl(true) .streetViewControl(false) .zoomControl(true) .mapType(MapTypeIdEnum.HYBRID); map = mapComponent.createMap(options); } private void checkCenter(LatLong center) { // } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } }




共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    Fixed issue where FireBug plugin was always displaying by default with the Map.
