有 Java 编程相关的问题?





package pack1;

public class A {
    private int a;
    protected int b;
    public int c;

    protected A() {    
        a = 10;
        b = 20;
        c = 30;


package pack2;

import pack1.A;

class B extends A {
    public void test() {
        A obj = new A(); // gives compilation error; why?
        //System.out.println("print private not possible :" + a);
        System.out.println("print protected possible :" + b);
        System.out.println("print public possible :" + c);

class C {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        A a = new A(); // gives compilation error; why?
        B b = new B();

共 (5) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    If protected variables and methods can be accessed, why doesn't the same rule also apply for a protected constructor?

    只有当另一个包中的子类扩展了包含受保护变量和方法的类时,才能访问受保护变量和方法。 您可以访问子类b中的变量“b”,因为您扩展了类A。您将无法访问类C中的变量“b”,因为它没有扩展类A


    package pack2;
    import pack1.A;
    class B extends A {
        public void test() {
            A obj = new B(); // will execute protected constructor
            System.out.println("print protected possible :" + b);
  2. # 2 楼答案


    public void test() {
        A obj = new A(){}; // no compilation error; why? you use anonymous class 'override'
  3. # 3 楼答案

    根据Java规范(https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-6.html#jls- Qualified Access to a protected Constructor

    Let C be the class in which a protected constructor is declared and let S be the innermost class in whose declaration the use of the protected constructor occurs. Then:

    • If the access is by a superclass constructor invocation super(...), or a qualified superclass constructor invocation E.super(...), where E is a Primary expression, then the access is permitted.

    • If the access is by an anonymous class instance creation expression new C(...){...}, or a qualified anonymous class instance creation expression E.new C(...){...}, where E is a Primary expression, then the access is permitted.

    • If the access is by a simple class instance creation expression new C(...), or a qualified class instance creation expression E.new C(...), where E is a Primary expression, or a method reference expression C :: new, where C is a ClassType, then the access is not permitted. A protected constructor can be accessed by a class instance creation expression (that does not declare an anonymous class) or a method reference expression only from within the package in which it is defined.


  4. # 4 楼答案

    JLS 6.6.7回答了您的问题。子类只访问其父类的受保护成员,如果它涉及其父类的实现。因此,如果父构造函数受保护且位于不同的包中,则不能在子类中实例化父对象

    6.6.7 Example: protected Fields, Methods, and Constructors Consider this example, where the points package declares:

    package points;
    public class Point {
        protected int x, y;
        void warp(threePoint.Point3d a) {
            if (a.z > 0)        // compile-time error: cannot access a.z

    and the threePoint package declares:

    package threePoint;
    import points.Point;
    public class Point3d extends Point {
        protected int z;
        public void delta(Point p) {
            p.x += this.x;      // compile-time error: cannot access p.x
            p.y += this.y;      // compile-time error: cannot access p.y
        public void delta3d(Point3d q) {
            q.x += this.x;
            q.y += this.y;
            q.z += this.z;

    which defines a class Point3d. A compile-time error occurs in the method delta here: it cannot access the protected members x and y of its parameter p, because while Point3d (the class in which the references to fields x and y occur) is a subclass of Point (the class in which x and y are declared), it is not involved in the implementation of a Point (the type of the parameter p). The method delta3d can access the protected members of its parameter q, because the class Point3d is a subclass of Point and is involved in the implementation of a Point3d. The method delta could try to cast (§5.5, §15.16) its parameter to be a Point3d, but this cast would fail, causing an exception, if the class of p at run time were not Point3d.

    A compile-time error also occurs in the method warp: it cannot access the protected member z of its parameter a, because while the class Point (the class in which the reference to field z occurs) is involved in the implementation of a Point3d (the type of the parameter a), it is not a subclass of Point3d (the class in which z is declared).

  5. # 5 楼答案

    为什么类中需要A obj=new A();,而类b的对象本身就是class A



    static A getInstance()
       A obj = new A(); // create obj of type A.
       return obj; // returns that object by this method. No need to use 'New' kind of instantiation.