有 Java 编程相关的问题?




  1. User具有字段Set<Group> groupsOrganization organization
  2. GroupOrganization有字段Set<User> users
  3. 两个选项同时使用(一种双向关系)


Spring Data Neo4j ensures by default that there is only one relationship of a given type between any two given entities. The exception to this rule is when a relationship is specified as either OUTGOING or INCOMING between two entities of the same type. In this case, it is possible to have two relationships of the given type between the two entities, one relationship in either direction.

If you don’t care about the direction then you can specify direction=Relationship.UNDIRECTED which will guarantee that the path between two node entities is navigable from either side.

资料来源:Good Relationships: The Spring Data Neo4j Guide Book


共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    UNDIRECTED在这里不是一个好的选择,因为它意味着用户和组之间的关系可以是任何方向的,我猜您不希望在图形模型中出现这种情况。 这对你不在乎方向(比如(user1)-[:FRIEND]-(user2))但不在乎其他方向的人际关系是有好处的。 我会在任何一个类中使用OUTGOINGINCOMING,这取决于用户和组之间的实际关系