
2024-05-13 20:23:09 发布

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# Subset dictionaries from df_dict140 and df_dict150
# df_dict140 has 456 rows and df_dict150 has 415
# I subsetted the them by 200
dic1 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict140[:200]}
dic2 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict140[200:400]}
dic3 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict140[400:456]}

dic4 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict150[:200]}
dic5 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict150[200:400]}
dic6 = {k: df_dic[k] for k in df_dict150[400:415]}


def predictionModel(pred_dict): 
    prediction = {}
    for (key1, key2), value in pred_dict.items():
        m = Prophet().fit(value)
        future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods = 365)
        forecast = m.predict(future)
        prediction[key2] = forecast[['ds','yhat']].tail()    
    return prediction 


prediction1 = predictionModel(dic1)
prediction2 = predictionModel(dic2)
prediction3 = predictionModel(dic3)
prediction4 = predictionModel(dic4)
prediction5 = predictionModel(dic5)
prediction6 = predictionModel(dic6)


Tags: andin模型dffor字典futurehas


for i in range(0,max(len(dict140),len(dict150)),200):
    d140_slice = {k: df_dic[k] for k in dict140[i:i+200]}
    d150_slice = {k: df_dic[k] for k in dict150[i:i+200]}
    #do something with the slices.
# Note that Python will let you index beyond the end of lists without issue
smaller_dicts = [{k: df_dic[k] for k in dfd[200*i:200*(i+1)]}
                 for dfd in [df_dict140, df_dict150]
                 for i in range(3)]

predictions = [predictionModel(sd) for sd in smaller_dicts]

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