如何在只读Jupyter Noteb中保存更改

2024-06-06 14:59:10 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我打开了一个python Jupyter笔记本,但没有注意到它处于只读模式,而不是可信模式。现在如何保存我的更改?


  • 文件->;复制
  • 文件->;保存和检查点
  • 文件->;下载为
  • 文件->;信任笔记本

Tags: 文件gt模式笔记本jupyter事情检查点信任


  1. 选择只读笔记本中的所有单元格(或需要的单元格)。通过单击第一个单元格,然后按住shift键并单击最后一个单元格,可以选择所有单元格。
  2. 使用CTRL+C复制所有单元格(如果使用MAC,则使用COMMAND+C)
  3. 创建新的jupyter笔记本页
  4. 单击CTRL+V(如果使用MAC,则单击COMMAND+V)两次
  5. 保存新笔记本




Trusting Notebooks To prevent untrusted code from executing on users’ behalf when notebooks open, we store a signature of each trusted notebook. The notebook server verifies this signature when a notebook is opened. If no matching signature is found, Javascript and HTML output will not be displayed until they are regenerated by re-executing the cells.

Any notebook that you have fully executed yourself will be considered trusted, and its HTML and Javascript output will be displayed on load.

If you need to see HTML or Javascript output without re-executing, and you are sure the notebook is not malicious, you can tell Jupyter to trust it at the command-line with:

$ jupyter trust mynotebook.ipynb 

See Security in notebook documents for more details about the trust mechanism.


1) Select all cells (or cells that you need) in your read-only notebook. You can select all cells by clicking on the first cell and then shift+clicking the last cell.
2) Copy all cells using CTRL+C (COMMAND+C if you are using MAC)
3) Create a new jupyter notebook page

4) CLICK IN THE MARGIN OF THE NEW CELL (***to close it for editing***), then...

5) Click CTRL+V (COMMAND+V if you are using MAC) 
6) Save your new notebook



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