
2024-04-26 11:54:12 发布

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def reply_to_tweets():
    print('retrieving and replying to tweets...')
    last_seen_id = retrieve_last_seen_id(file_name)
    mentions = api.mentions_timeline(last_seen_id, tweet_mode='extended')
    for mention in reversed(mentions):
        print(str(mention.id) + ' - ' + mention.full_text)
        last_seen_id = mention.id 
        store_last_seen_id(last_seen_id, file_name)
        if 'that\'s a million bucks' in mention.full_text.lower():
            print('replying about AirMiles')
            api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + ' Just swipe your AirMiles card to enter.', mention.id)
        if 'fruit is always so fresh' in mention.full_text.lower():
            print('replying about shopping')
            api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + ' Cassie, are you shopping?', mention.id)
        if 'i play to win gord' in mention.full_text.lower():
            print('replying about Sobeys and Safeway')
            api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name + ' And that\'s why it pays to shop at Sobeys and Safeway.', mention.id)

当有人用在tweet@my account上留言时,那是一百万美元我希望python用回复,只要刷你的air miles卡就可以了。这种情况偶尔会发生,但通常不会

当有人推特@my account with水果总是那么新鲜我希望python回复卡西,你在购物吗?这种情况偶尔会发生,但通常不会

当有人推特@my account with时,我玩游戏就是为了赢戈尔。我希望python会回复,这就是为什么它需要与Sobeys和Safeway一起购物。这种情况偶尔会发生,但通常不会

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