
2024-04-27 05:04:07 发布

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def t1(function):
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  setattr(wrapper, "t1", True)
  return function(*args, **kwargs)
 setattr(wrapper, "t1", False)
 return wrapper

def t2(function):
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  setattr(wrapper, "t2", True)
  return function(*args, **kwargs)
 setattr(wrapper, "t2", False)
 return wrapper

def test():

Tags: 函数falsetruereturn属性defargsfunction
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-27 05:04:07


In [3]: def decorator_a(fn):
   ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   ...:         return fn(*args, **kwargs)
   ...:     print("I'm setting the attribute on function {}".format(id(wrapper)))
   ...:     setattr(wrapper, "attr1", True)
   ...:     return wrapper

In [4]: def decorator_b(fn):
   ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   ...:         return fn(*args, **kwargs)
   ...:     print("I'm setting the attribute on function {}".format(id(wrapper)))
   ...:     setattr(wrapper, "attr2", True)
   ...:     return wrapper

In [5]: first_time_decorated = decorator_a(lambda x: x)
I'm setting the attribute on function 4361847536

In [6]: second_time_decorated = decorator_b(first_time_decorated)
I'm setting the attribute on function 4361441064


In [14]: def decorator_a(fn):
    ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    ...:         return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    ...:     setattr(wrapper, "attr1", True)
    ...:     for attribute in set(dir(fn)) - set(dir(wrapper)):
    ...:         setattr(wrapper, attribute, getattr(fn, attribute))
    ...:     return wrapper

In [15]: def decorator_b(fn):
    ...:     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    ...:         return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    ...:     setattr(wrapper, "attr2", True)
    ...:     for attribute in set(dir(fn)) - set(dir(wrapper)):
    ...:         setattr(wrapper, attribute, getattr(fn, attribute))
    ...:     return wrapper

In [16]: first_time_decorated = decorator_a(lambda x: x)

In [17]: second_time_decorated = decorator_b(first_time_decorated)

In [18]: second_time_decorated.attr1
Out[18]: True

In [19]: second_time_decorated.attr2
Out[19]: True

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