
2024-04-26 21:54:03 发布

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p = [[45.1024,7.7498],[45.1027,7.7513],[45.1072,7.7568],[45.1076,7.7563]]
q = [[45.0595,7.6829],[45.0595,7.6829],[45.0564,7.6820],[45.0533,7.6796],[45.0501,7.6775]]
  • 第1步(精细)


def _c(ca, i, j, p, q):
    if ca[i, j] > -1:
        return ca[i, j]
    elif i == 0 and j == 0:
        ca[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(p[i]-q[j])
    elif i > 0 and j == 0:
        ca[i, j] = max(_c(ca, i-1, 0, p, q), np.linalg.norm(p[i]-q[j]))
    elif i == 0 and j > 0:
        ca[i, j] = max(_c(ca, 0, j-1, p, q), np.linalg.norm(p[i]-q[j]))
    elif i > 0 and j > 0:
        ca[i, j] = max(
                _c(ca, i-1, j, p, q),
                _c(ca, i-1, j-1, p, q),
                _c(ca, i, j-1, p, q)
        ca[i, j] = float('inf')
    return ca[i, j]
  • 第二步(问题在这里)是
def frdist(p, q):

    # Remove nan values from p
    p = np.array([i for i in p if np.any(np.isfinite(i))], np.float64) # ESSENTIAL PART TO REMOVE NaN
    q = np.array([i for i in q if np.any(np.isfinite(i))], np.float64) # ESSENTIAL PART TO REMOVE NaN

    len_p = len(p)
    len_q = len(q)

    if len_p == 0 or len_q == 0:
        raise ValueError('Input curves are empty.')

    # p and q no longer have to be the same length
    if len(p[0]) != len(q[0]):
        raise ValueError('Input curves do not have the same dimensions.')

    ca = (np.ones((len_p, len_q), dtype=np.float64) * -1)

    dist = _c(ca, len_p-1, len_q-1, p, q)
frdist(p, q)

问题: 在步骤2中如何将代码应用到给定的(同样是示例数据集)。真正的一个非常大)数据集df:

    1           1.1     2           2.1     3           3.1     4           4.1     5           5.1
0   43.1024     6.7498  NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN
1   46.0595     1.6829  25.0695     3.7463  NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN
2   25.0695     5.5454  44.9727     8.6660  41.9726     2.6666  84.9566     3.8484  44.9566     1.8484
3   35.0281     7.7525  45.0322     3.7465  14.0369     3.7463  NaN         NaN     NaN         NaN
4   35.0292     7.5616  45.0292     4.5616  23.0292     3.5616  45.0292     6.7463  NaN 

第一行取p,第二行取q。然后计算距离frdist(p, q)。p是第一行,q是第三行。然后是1和3。你知道吗


 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 105
0 0
1   0
2     0
3       0  
4         0
5           0
...           0
105              0

Tags: and代码normlenreturnifdefnp
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 21:54:03


def pairwise(it):
    a = iter(it)
    return zip(a, a)

ddf = df.apply(lambda x : [pair for pair in pairwise(x)], axis=1)

我从this answer取了pairwise函数。你知道吗




from itertools import product
idxpairs = product(ddf.index, repeat=2)



fmatrix = pd.DataFrame(index=ddf.index, columns=ddf.index)

for pp in idxpairs:
    fmatrix.loc[pp[0], pp[1]] = frdist(ddf.iloc[pp[0]], ddf.iloc[pp[1]])

现在将计算每个元素的暴力。如果您有一个大的数据帧,并且您事先知道最终矩阵将具有给定的属性,例如对角线为0并且它是对称的(我猜frdist(p, q) == frdist(q, p)),您可以通过使用combinations而不是product来节省一些时间,以避免两次执行相同的计算:

from itertools import combinations
idxpairs = combinations(ddf.index, 2)

fmatrix = pd.DataFrame(index=ddf.index, columns=ddf.index)

for pp in idxpairs:
    res = frdist(ddf.iloc[pp[0]], ddf.iloc[pp[1]])
    fmatrix.loc[pp[0], pp[1]] = res
    fmatrix.loc[pp[1], pp[0]] = res

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