
2024-04-20 10:51:41 发布

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player_health = 100

power = 10

enemy_health = 50

player_name = input('What is your name, Guardian? ')

print('Hello ' + player_name + ' the Guardian')

player_element = input('Would you like to be the Guardian of Air, Earth, Fire or Water? ')

if player_element == 'Air':
    print('You have been granted the powers of the Air, Guardian.\
          You now have the powers of the Wind and Sky.')

if player_element == 'Earth':
    print('You have been granted the powers of the Earth, Guardian.\
          You now have the powers of the Earth.')

if player_element == 'Fire':
    print('You have been granted the powers of Fire, Guardian.\
          You now have the powers of Fire. Do not destroy as you wish.')

if player_element == 'Water':
    print('You have been granted the powers of Water, Guardian.\
          You now have the powers to control the oceans and water.')

print('There is an enemy in the distance! What do you do?')

player_action = input('What do you do ' + player_name + '? ' + 'Type A to attack ')

if player_action == 'A':
    print('The enemy\'s health is at ' + enemy_health + '! ' 'Keep attacking Guardian!')

enemy_health = print(enemy_health - power) 

在最后一段代码中,我希望它打印出来The enemy's health is at 40!(因为power - enemy_health = 40Keep attacking Guardian!' 有什么建议吗? 它隐式地获得cant convert int object to str的错误。你知道吗

Tags: ofthenameyouifishaveelement


print('The enemy\'s health is at {}! Keep attacking Guardian!'.format(enemy_health))


print('The enemy\'s health is at ' + str(enemy_health) + '! Keep attacking Guardian!'


enemy_health = print(enemy_health - power) 


enemy_health = enemy_health - power
enemy_health = enemy_health - power




print('The enemy\'s health is at {}! Keep attacking Guardian!'.format(enemy_health))


enemy_health -= power  #This is short for enemy_health = enemy_health - power
print("The enemy's health is at", enemy_health,"! Keep attacking Guardian!")

老实说,最后一句话毫无意义。不能将print()赋值给变量。它是一个函数,你不能给变量赋值。只能将类分配给变量。这也应该是错误的一部分,因为print(enemy_health - power)实际上是有效的。输出为40。你知道吗

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