
2024-05-12 02:30:49 发布

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我对python和pandas还不太熟悉,我想知道是否有人知道python在pandas的基础上构建了一些库,这些库需要一系列的命令,这些命令包含以下列: 时间戳、id、价格、大小、交换


9:00:25.123, 1, 1.02, 100, N
9:00:25.123, 2, 1.02, -50, N
9:00:25.129, 3, 1.03,  50, X
9:00:25.130, 4, 1.02, 150, X
9:00:25.131, 5, 1.02,  -5, X


1.02, N,  50
1.02, X, 150
1.03, X,  50


1.02, N,  50
1.02, X, 145
1.03, X,  50



Tags: 命令视图idpandas间隔市场记录时间
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-12 02:30:49


我构建了一个trivial jupyter notebook来展示如何构建一个像您描述的订单簿来按照您的要求使用。


states = []
current_timestamp = None
current_state = {}

for timestamp, (id_, price, exch, size) in df.iterrows():
    if current_timestamp is None:
        current_timestamp = timestamp
    if current_timestamp != timestamp:
        for key in list(current_state):
            if current_state[key] == 0.:
                del current_state[key]
        states.append((current_timestamp, dict(**current_state)))
        current_timestamp = timestamp
    key = (exch, price)
    current_state.setdefault(key, 0.)
    current_state[key] += size
states.append((timestamp, dict(**current_state)))

order_book = pd.DataFrame.from_items(states).T

但是:请注意,必须在pandas之外建立book state,并且order book state的pandas.DataFrame不太适合按级别优先级或深度(级别3数据)对order book建模,这可能是一个主要限制,具体取决于您希望对order book建模的准确性。


要了解订单簿的简单(“样式化”)模型背后的理论、订单及其引用,请参阅论文"A stochastic model for order book dynamics" by Rama Cont, Sasha Stoikov, Rishi Talreja,第2节:

2.1 Limit order books

Consider a financial asset traded in an order-driven market. Market participants can post two types of buy/sell orders. A limit order is an order to trade a certain amount of a security at a given price. Limit orders are posted to a electronic trading system and the state of outstanding limit orders can be summarized by stating the quantities posted at each price level: this is known as the limit order book. The lowest price for which there is an outstanding limit sell order is called the ask price and the highest buy price is called the bid price. [...more useful description]

2.2. Dynamics of the order book

Let us now describe how the limit order book is updated by the inflow of new orders. [...] Assuming that all orders are of unit size [...],

• a limit buy order at price level p<p_A(t) increases the quantity at level p: x → x_{p−1}

• a limit sell order at price level p>p_B(t) increases the quantity at level p: x → x_{p+1}

• a market buy order decreases the quantity at the ask price: x → x_{p_A(t)−1}

• a market sell order decreases the quantity at the bid price: x → x_{p_B(t)+1}

• a cancellation of an oustanding limit buy order at price level p<p_A(t) decreases the quantity at level p: x → x_{p+1}

• a cancellation of an oustanding limit sell order at price level p>p_B(t) decreases the quantity at level p: x → x_{p−1}

The evolution of the order book is thus driven by the incoming flow of market orders, limit orders and cancellations at each price level [...]


  • PyRebuildLOB是一个有效的例子,但是pandas除了作为一个奇特的数组之外,在它的实现中所起的作用相对较小。
  • 背景与视觉化
  • 来自Oculus InformationMSFT order book visualisation的常规可视化
  • 来自working4arbitrageworking4arbitrage order book vis的异常可视化


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