
2024-04-16 09:13:15 发布

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我有以下文件,我需要更新两个字典。其中一个映射一个人的朋友,另一个映射一个人的网络。文件格式如下: 普里切特,杰伊 普里切特,格洛丽亚 德尔加多,曼尼 邓菲,克莱尔

Dunphy, Claire
Parent Teacher Association
Dunphy, Phil
Pritchett, Mitchell
Pritchett, Jay

Scrooge, McDuck

Delgado, Manny
Chess Club
Pritchett, Gloria
Pritchett, Jay
Dunphy, Luke

Pritchett, Mitchell
Law Association
Dunphy, Claire
Tucker, Cameron
Dunphy, Luke

Dunphy, Alex
Chess Club
Dunphy, Luke

Tucker, Cameron
Clown School
Wizard of Oz Fan Club
Pritchett, Mitchell
Pritchett, Gloria

Dunphy, Haley Gwendolyn
D-Money, Dylan
D-Cat, Gilbert

Dunphy, Phil
Real Estate Association
Dunphy, Claire
Dunphy, Luke

D-Money, Dylan
D-Cat, Chairman

Dunphy, Haley Gwendolyn

Pritchett, Gloria
Parent Teacher Association
Pritchett, Jay 
Tucker, Cameron
Delgado, Manny

Dunphy, Luke
Delgado, Manny
Dunphy, Alex
Dunphy, Phil
Pritchett, Mitchell


person_to_friends = {'Jay Pritchett': ['Claire Dunphy', 'Gloria 
Pritchett', 'Manny Delgado']...

person_to_networks = {'Claire Dunphy': ['Parent Teacher Association'], 
'Manny Delgado': ['Chess Club']...


friends = []
line = profiles_file.readline()
while line != '':
    profiles = format_name(line)
    if not profiles in person_to_friends:
        person_to_friends[profiles] = []
    line = profiles_file.readline()
    if not ',' in line:
        network = line
        line = profiles_file.readline()
        if format_name(line) != '' and format_name(line) not in person_to_friends[profiles]:
            line = profiles_file.readline()

return person_to_friends

对于引用格式,\u name只是我编写的一个函数,用于确保文件中的名称采用“Firstname Lastname”格式,并删除换行符。你知道吗

Tags: 文件tonamereadlinelineprofilespersonluke