
2024-04-20 10:27:43 发布

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def FacultyMemberOnneClass(self):
    for P in ProfessorList:
        for CL in ClassRoomList:
            for CO in CourseList:
                if CO.ProfessorId  == P.ProfessorId: 
                    Start = CO.StartTime() 
                    End = CO.EndTime() 
                    TimeRange = range(Start, End, .25) 
                    TimeRangeSet = Set(TimeRange)

Tags: inself目的forcldefstartend


您应该好好看看datetime数据类型。下面的代码假设您正在尝试创建一组类型日期时间.time. 我已经在Python2.6中测试过了。你知道吗

import datetime

start = datetime.datetime(2012,1,1,9,0) # 09:00 
end = datetime.datetime(2012,1,1,17) # 17:00
intervalSeconds = (end-start).seconds # seconds between start and end time.
intervalBlocks = intervalSeconds / (60*15) # 15 minute blocks between start and end time.

timeRange = [(start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15*i)).time()
    for i in range(intervalBlocks+1)]
timeRangeSet = set(timeRange)


首先,我假设你每周有一组离散的教学周期,比如说,['Monday 9am-10am', 'Monday 10am-11am', ...]等等,每个课程表都由这些教学周期的一个子集组成。你知道吗



class Professor(object):
    def __init__(self, name, id):
        self.name = name
        self.id = id

class Course(object):
    def __init__(self, professor_ids, periods):
        self.professors = set(professor_ids)
        self.periods = periods  # where 'period' is an enum of all teaching periods in a week

from collections import Counter

def is_professor_double_booked(professor, all_courses):
    # find all courses taught by this professor
    pcourses = [course in all_courses if professor.id in course.professor_ids]
    # count how many times each period is booked
    period_bookings = Counter(p for course in pcourses for p in course.periods)
    # return (any period booked twice?)
    return len(period_bookings) and (period_bookings.most_common()[0][1] > 1)

def professors_who_are_double_booked(professors, courses):
    for prof in professors:
        if is_professor_double_booked(prof, courses):

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