
2024-04-24 02:37:27 发布

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def partition(x, start, end, pivotIndex):
    x is a list, start to end is the portion of the list to sort, and 
    pivotIndex is the index at which pull a value and sort everything above
    and below this.
    low = start # Low will track the lower bound of the position in the list
                # where "small" elements get switched into.  It starts at 
                # start.
    high = end-1
    p = x[pivotIndex] # Pivot value
    x[pivotIndex] = x[end] # We basically move the pivot entry out of the way
                           # and we'll put it back in at the end.
    while True:
        while low <= high and x[low] < p: # We cycle up the bottom of the list
                          # until we've looked at everything or until we hit
                          # a pice that's out of place.
            low += 1
        while low <= high and x[high] >= p: # And do likewise from the top of 
                         # the list.
            high -= 1
        if low > high: # If we've covered the whole list, the partition is 
                       # done.  Otherwise, there must be pieces out of place
                       # so swap them.
        x[low], x[high] = x[high], x[low]
    x[end] = x[low] # The value at end stores a duplicate of some value,
                    # since we copied it in, so now we want to over-ride that.
                    # We choose to put the element now at low there, and put
                    # since the pivot value was taken out of the list, we now
                    # put it in the low position.
    x[low] = p
    return low

Tags: andofthe列表排序valuestartat