为什么python在使用random generator检索图像路径时读取tiff图像的速度较慢

2024-04-25 19:40:39 发布

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我正在尝试编写一个python程序,从一个大样本tiff图像中随机读取一些tiff图像。有趣的是,我发现如果我们使用random generator生成索引并获取图像路径列表,python读取tiff图像(使用浮点值)的速度会慢得多,而使用硬代码随机索引来获取图像路径并读取tiff图像的速度会慢得多。你知道吗

import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy

def read_in_seq(image_filenames, indices):
    return [ plt.imread(image_filenames[index]) for index in indices ]

image_filenames = []

for index in range(15000):
    image_filenames.append("/tmp/%05d" % index + ".tiff")

# This is generated from numpy.random.choice(15000, 100) but hard coded the values here
  3885,   901,  6233,  7234, 10195,  2204,   469,  2906, 12114, 13515, 12977, 5201,
  8829, 11537,  5400,  9633, 10744, 12991,  2593,  3046,  5103,  1901,  8831, 12454,
  9779,  4714, 10839,  8702,  8537,  2136,  5095,  9006, 13293,  9933,  3584, 10818,
  8594, 11032,  3705,   435,  6679,  8349,  6930,  9741, 12933,  3231,  1849,  7871,
 11752,  8361,  3094,  2229, 14303,  2006,  5554,  1492, 14817, 12690, 10648, 14631,
  6401,  6181,  4401,  7222,  9881,  8381,  7603, 11374, 12702,  6881, 11868, 10967,
 14508, 12930,  3542,  1197,  8387, 11253,  1802, 14732,  7419, 11994,  6083,  8846,
  5370,  4276, 13953, 14409,  8197,  8956,  4717,  3262,  2314, 12527,  5394, 12495,
  6708,  9724,   740, 10416]

print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ": Normal input read started with size=" + str(len(indices)))
output = read_in_seq(image_filenames, indices) # takes 0.8 seconds
print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ": Normal input read completed with size=" + str(len(output)))

indices = numpy.random.choice(15000, 100)
print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ": Random input read started with size=" + str(len(indices)))
output = read_in_seq(image_filenames, indices) # takes ~3 seconds
print(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') + ": Random input read completed with size=" + str(len(output)))


2018-01-10 15:30:46.170487: Normal input read started with size=100
2018-01-10 15:30:46.943557: Normal input read completed with size=100
2018-01-10 15:30:46.943718: Random input read started with size=100
2018-01-10 15:30:49.858074: Random input read completed with size=100



for index in range(15000):
    image_filenames.append("/tmp/%05d" % index + ".png")
2018-01-10 16:20:30.498341: Normal input read started with size=100
2018-01-10 16:20:34.020450: Normal input read completed with size=100
2018-01-10 16:20:34.020602: Random input read started with size=100
2018-01-10 16:20:38.692906: Random input read completed with size=100


假设我们只能使用单线程,有人能解释一下为什么python在使用random generator检索图像路径时读取tiff图像的速度较慢(与检索图像路径的硬编码随机索引相比)?e、 g.是否与CPU浮点支持、硬盘寻道、操作系统设计或其他相关?你知道吗

Tags: in图像imagenumpyreadinputsizedatetime