随机数字 偶数,奇数,质数

2024-05-16 11:25:00 发布

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def FuncA():
    x = 0
    while x < 10:
        Hide = int(random()*1000) 
        if Hide > 99 and Hide < 1000 and Hide % 2 != 1:
            print Hide
            x = x + 1

def FuncB():
    Hide = 0
    for b in range(x):
        if Hide > 99 and Hide < 1000 and Hide % 2 == 0:
            print Hide

def FuncC():
    x = 0
    while x < 10:
        Hide = int(random()*1000) 
    if Hide > 99 and Hide < 1000 and Hide % 2 == 1:
        print Hide
        x = x + 1

def FuncD():
    x = 0
    while x < 10:
        Hide = int(random()*1000)
        if Hide > 99 and Hide < 1000 and Hide % 2 == 1:
            print Hide
            x = x + 1 

def FuncE():
    L = 0
    X = input("Please give me a number : ")
    for S in range(X):
        if X % (S+1) == 0:
            L = L + 1
            print S + 1
    if NumberOfTimesDivided == 2:
        print "The number is PRIME"
        print "The Number is NOT PRIME"








Tags: and函数inforifdefrangerandom

从随机导入randint def FuncA():

   x = 0

   while x < 10:
       Hide = randint(1,1000)

       if Hide % 2 != 0:
          print Hide

          x = x + 1

def FuncB():

   x = 0

   while x < 10:
       Hide = randint(1,1000) 

       if Hide % 2 == 0:
          print Hide

          x = x + 1

def FuncC():

   x = 0

   while x < 10:
       Hide = randint(100,1000) 

       if Hide % 2 != 0:
          print Hide

          x = x + 1

def FuncD():

   x = 0

   while x < 10:
       Hide = randint(1000,10000) 

       if Hide % 2 == 0:
          print Hide

          x = x + 1

def FuncE():

   x = 0

   while x < 10:
       Hide = randint(1,1000) 

       for S in range(Hide):
         if Hide % (S+1) == 0:
            L = L + 1

       if L == 2:
           print Hide
           X + 1
from random import randint as r
from random import choice as c

def FuncA ():
    print (' '.join (str (r (0, 499) * 2 + 1) for _ in range (10) ) )

def FuncB ():
    print (' '.join (str (r (0, 499) * 2) for _ in range (10) ) )

def FuncC ():
    print (' '.join (str (r (50, 499) * 2 + 1) for _ in range (10) ) )

def FuncD ():
    print (' '.join (str (r (500, 4999) * 2) for _ in range (10) ) )

def FuncE ():
    primes = [a for a, b in enumerate (all (c % i for i in range (2, c- 1) ) for c in range (1000) ) if b] [2:]
    print (' '.join (str (c (primes) ) for _ in range (10) ) )


from random import choice


>>> print ', '.join(str(choice(range(1, 100, 2))) for _ in range(10))
45, 83, 57, 57, 85, 19, 49, 3, 5, 53


>>> print ', '.join(str(choice(range(2, 100, 2))) for _ in range(10))
44, 14, 4, 30, 82, 34, 38, 14, 34, 54


>>> print ', '.join(str(choice(range(101, 1000, 2))) for _ in range(10))
485, 685, 555, 647, 513, 463, 729, 779, 229, 615


>>> print ', '.join(str(choice(range(1000, 10000, 2))) for _ in range(10))
7830, 3496, 3122, 5452, 3982, 7794, 8952, 2492, 4098, 1864


def pgen(maxnum): # Sieve of Eratosthenes generator
    yield 2
    np_f = {}
    for q in xrange(3, maxnum+1, 2):
        f = np_f.pop(q, None)
        if f:
            while f != np_f.setdefault(q+f, f):
                q += f
            yield q
            np = q*q
            if np < maxnum:
                np_f[np] = q+q

>>> print ', '.join(str(choice(list(pgen(1000)))) for _ in range(10))
151, 919, 59, 29, 373, 563, 991, 191, 607, 811

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