
2024-04-19 15:51:25 发布

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 """Making sure they use uppercase and end with a period"""

s = input("Please enter an upper-case string ending with a period: ")

if s.isupper() and s.endswith("."):
     print("Input meets both requirements.") 
elif s!=upper():
     print ("Input is not all upper case.")
elif s!=endswith("."):
    print ("Input does not end with a period.")
else :
     print ("You just don't want to do this, do you?")

Tags: and字符串inputwithnot特征upperdo


s = raw_input("Please enter an upper-case string ending with a period: ")

if s.isupper() and s.endswith('.'):
    print("Input meets both requirements.") 
elif not s.isupper():
     print ("Input is not all upper case.")
elif not s.endswith("."):
    print ("Input does not end with a period.")
else :
     print ("You just don't want to do this, do you?")



not True>;False

not False>;True


"""Making sure they use uppercase and end with a period"""

s = input("Please enter an upper-case string ending with a period: ")

if s.isupper() and s.endswith("."):
     print("Input meets both requirements.") 
elif not s.isupper():  #not False -> True
     print ("Input is not all upper case.")
elif not s.endswith("."): #not False -> True
    print ("Input does not end with a period.")
else :
     print ("You just don't want to do this, do you?")

你不想检查它是否不等于大写字母,因为“大写字母”是一个抽象概念,不能等于任何特定的字符串。您要检查isupper()是否为true。只要做elif not s.upper()然后elif not s.endswith(".")。你知道吗

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