
2024-04-20 12:46:20 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


current_bytes_total = DPIstats[applicationName]['Total Bytes'] # extract old byte count


"newValue = new_bytes_total + current_bytes_total   # add new byte count to old byte count




def getFileName(filename):
    file_contents = open(filename,'rU')
    DPIstats={}   # create empty dictionary to hold application name to byte values
    for line in file_contents:
        values = line.split() # split each line on white space and put each lines values into a list
        # print(values)
        # uncomment print(values)to test the values in my data structure
        if 'End:' in values:            # if 'End:' in values then this is an end record
                                        # grab the values in the list for positions [-4] (bytes sent)
                                        # and [-2] (bytes received) and store below
            applicationName = values[14]    # type is string
            if applicationName in DPIstats: # if application name key already exists do nothing
            else:                           # if application name doesn't exist create a new dict entry
                DPIstats[applicationName]= {}
                DPIstats[applicationName]['Total Bytes'] = {}
            bytes_sent = 0
            bytes_received = 0
            current_bytes_total = 0
            new_bytes_total = 0
            newValue = 0
            bytes_sent += int(values[-4])     # convert to an integer
            bytes_received += int(values[-2]) # convert to an integer
            new_bytes_total = bytes_sent + bytes_received  # get new byte count from current entry
            current_bytes_total = DPIstats[applicationName]['Total Bytes'] # extract old byte count
            newValue = new_bytes_total + current_bytes_total   # add new byte count to old byte count
            DPIstats[applicationName]['Total Bytes'] = newValue    # assign new value to Total Bytes stored for the application name
file_contents.close()      # close the file

def main():
    filename = sys.argv[1]     # get the first command line argument and assign
    getFileName(filename)      # call and feed specified filename

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main()                     # call the main function to get things started


Tags: thetoinnewifbytescountbyte
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-20 12:46:20


DPIstats[applicationName]['Total Bytes'] = {}


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