
2024-06-07 22:03:43 发布

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Twitter允许应用程序设置一个出现在tweeter名字后面的“署名”,但我不知道如何设置。我目前正在使用pythonapi tweepy。有什么想法吗?你知道吗

Tags: 应用程序pythonapitwitter名字tweetertweepy
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-07 22:03:43

How do I get “from [MyApp]” appended to updates sent from my API application?

We now recommend developers use OAuth to perform authentication with the API. When applications use OAuth, Twitter automatically knows the source of status updates. We are therefore able to append source attribution (from "[MyApp]") to tweets. If you would like tweets from your application to receive a source parameter, please register an application and implement OAuth authentication. We will automatically include your application as the source for any tweets sent from your application.

We originally allowed applications to create a source parameter for non-OAuth use but that has been discontinued. Applications pre-OAuth source parameters will remain active, but new registrations are no longer accepted.

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