如何在简单的python函数中使用numba njit?

2024-04-20 05:59:58 发布

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Invalid use of Function(<built-in function dot>) with argument(s) of type(s):
(reflected list(reflected list(float64)), array(float64, 2d, C))
 * parameterized
In definition 0:
    All templates rejected with literals.
In definition 1:
    All templates rejected without literals.


def calc(A,k, B, C):
<source elided>
x2 = C[i]
c = np.dot(b,x1)


@njit(fastmath = True)
def calc(A,k,B,C):
    b = A
    for i in range(k):
        x1 = B[i]
        x2 = C[i]
        c = np.dot(b,x1)
        D = c + x2
        c = np.tanh(D)
        b = c
    return b


Tags: of方法函数inwithnpalldot