如果..elif test与测试一起工作,那就太简单了

2024-04-26 03:48:35 发布

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You have been asked to write a program that will give the name of a shape depending on the number of sides. The user can only enter numbers between 3 and 8, if they enter any other number then the program should tell them to enter a number between 3 and 8.


#Sides and shapes
sides = int(input("How many sides on the shape are there? "))
if sides ==3:
    print ("Your shape is the triangle")
if sides ==4:
    print ("Your shape is the square")
if sides ==5:
    print ("Your shape is the pentagon")
if sides ==6:
    print ("Your shape is the hexagon")
if sides ==7:
    print ("Your shape is the heptagon")
if sides ==8:
    print ("Your shape is the octagon")
elif sides != range(3,9):
    print ("You should enter a number between 3 and 8")



How many sides on the shape are there? 6
Your shape is the hexagon
You should enter a number between 3 and 8

Tags: andtheyounumberyourifison

range(x, y)输出介于xy之间的数字范围。然后将一个整数(即边的值)与一个列表进行比较。显然它不等于列表,因为它是一个整数!你知道吗

range()产生一个不同类型的对象;integer != range()总是为真。你知道吗


elif not (3 <= sides < 9):
    print ("You should enter a number between 3 and 8")

或者使用not in查看数字是否超出范围:

elif sides not in range(3, 9):
    print ("You should enter a number between 3 and 8")


if sides ==3:
    print ("Your shape is the triangle")
elif sides ==4:
    print ("Your shape is the square")
elif sides ==5:
    print ("Your shape is the pentagon")
elif sides ==6:
    print ("Your shape is the hexagon")
elif sides ==7:
    print ("Your shape is the heptagon")
elif sides ==8:
    print ("Your shape is the octagon")
    print ("You should enter a number between 3 and 8")

注意,现在只有一个if;从逻辑上讲,elifelse部分属于这个if语句。任何其他的if形成一个单独的、新的选择集,你的sides != range(3, 9)表达式总是正确的,这意味着elif测试在if slides == 8不正确的时候都是正确的。你知道吗


shape_msg = "Your shape is the "
result = {
    3: shape_msg + "triangle",
    4: shape_msg + "square",
    5: shape_msg + "pentagon",
    6: shape_msg + "hexagon",
    7: shape_msg + "heptagon",
    8: shape_msg + "octagon",

sides = int(input("How many sides on the shape are there? "))
result = results.get(sides, "You should enter a number between 3 and 8")

这里,^{} method返回给定键的值,如果键不存在,则返回默认值。你知道吗


while True:
    sides = int(input("How many sides on the shape are there? "))
    if sides in result:
        break  # done, exit the loop
     print("You should enter a number between 3 and 8")

有关如何请求用户输入并处理错误输入的更多提示,请参见Asking the user for input until they give a valid response。你知道吗




对于循环,如果你把整个东西放在while True中,你可以在每次成功之后break,而不是在无效的边数之后,这将导致循环重复,直到它们最终输入一个有效的数字。你知道吗

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