
2024-04-25 23:57:55 发布

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我需要将一个“bonds”(点索引对)数组转换为一个“triangles”(点索引的三元组,表示三角剖分)数组。 我的方法对于较大的(N~100000+)点来说太慢,因为对于~1000000点的网格,我需要多次这样做。你知道吗


我相信这一进程可以更有效率。有什么建议吗? 我的函数“BL2TRI”如下:

def BL2TRI(BL,nn):
    '''Convert bond list (#bonds x 2) to Triangulation array (#tris x 3)

    BL : array of dimension #bonds x 2
        Each row is a bond and contains indices of connected points
    nn : int
        max number of nearest neighbors expected in NL and KL

    TRI : array of dimension #tris x 3
        Each row contains indices of the 3 points lying at the vertices of the tri.
    print('BL2TRI: computing NL...')
    NL, KL = BL2NLandKL(BL,nn)
    print('BL2TRI: assembling TRI...')
    ind = 0 #index to keep track of where we are in TRI
    # make TRItmp longer than necessary (to fill it in without appending)
    TRItmp = np.zeros((10*len(NL),3),dtype='int')
    # add 1 to all BL values and to all NL values for which KL!=0 to avoid finding that zero is a neighbor of every particle with fewer than nn neighbors
    BLp = BL + np.ones(np.shape(BL))
    NLp = copy.deepcopy(NL)
    NLp[KL!=0] +=1

    for kk in range(len(NLp)):
        idx = np.logical_and( ismember(BLp[:,0], NLp[kk,:]), ismember(BLp[:,1], NLp[kk,:]) )
        TRIS = BL[idx,:]
        TRItmp[ind:ind+len(TRIS),:]  = np.hstack(( TRIS, kk*np.ones((len(TRIS),1)) ))
        ind = ind+len(TRIS)

    #trim off the extra zeros at the end
    TRI = TRItmp[0:ind,:]
    return TRI


import numpy as np
import copy

def BL2NLandKL(BL,nn=6):
    '''Convert bond list (#bonds x 2) to neighbor list (#pts x max# neighbors) for lattice of bonded points. Also returns KL: ones where there is a bond and zero where there is not.
    NL = np.zeros((max(BL.ravel())+1,nn))
    KL = np.zeros((max(BL.ravel())+1,nn))
    for row in BL:
        col = np.where(KL[row[0],:]==0)[0][0]
        NL[row[0],col] = row[1]
        KL[row[0],col] = 1
        col = np.where(KL[row[1],:]==0)[0][0]
        NL[row[1],col] = row[0]
        KL[row[1],col] = 1        
    return NL, KL

def ismember(a, b):
    '''Return logical array (c) testing where elements of a are members of b. 
    The speed is O(len(a)+len(b)), so it's fast.
    bind = {}
    for i, elt in enumerate(b):
        if elt not in bind:
            bind[elt] = True
    return np.array([bind.get(itm, False) for itm in a])  

# make some points in 2D
pts = np.array([[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5, 0.0],[-0.5,0.5],[0.0,-0.5],[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.5],[0.5,-0.5],[0.5,0.0],[0.5,0.5]])
# Give the connectivity between the pts as BL
BL = np.array([[0, 1],[1, 2],[0, 3],[1, 3],[1, 4],[2, 4],[3, 4],[2, 5],[4, 5], [3, 6],[4, 6],[4, 7],[5, 7],[6, 7],[5, 8],[7, 8]], dtype='int32')
# Convert BL to triangulation (TRI)


Tags: ofthetoinlennlnpnn
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 23:57:55


def BL2TRI(BL):
    d = {}
    tri = np.zeros((len(BL),3), dtype=np.int)
    c = 0
    for i in BL:
        if(i[0] > i[1]):
            t = i[0]
            i[0] = i[1]
            i[1] = t
        if(i[0] in d):
            d[i[0]] = [i[1]]
    for key in d:
        for n in d[key]:
            for n2 in d[key]:
                if (n>n2) or n not in d:
                if (n2 in d[n]):
                    tri[c,:] = [key,n,n2]
                    c += 1
    return tri[0:c]



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