
2024-06-08 14:01:03 发布

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journey = """Just a small tone girl
Leaving in a lonely whirl
She took the midnight tray going anywhere
Just a seedy boy
Bored and raised in South Detroit or something
He took the midnight tray going anywhere"""

真恶心。好的,对于这个练习,您的工作是使用Python的string replace方法来修复这个字符串,并将新版本打印到控制台。你知道吗


journey = """ just a small tone girl
Leaving in a lonely whirl
she took a midnight tray going anywhere
Just a seedy boy
bored and raised in south detroit or something
He took the midnight tray going anywhere"""

journeyEdit = journey.replace("tone" , 
something", " ")

print (journeyEdit)

Tags: ortheinreplaceanywherejustgoingtray


How to replace multiple substrings of a string?所示:

import re

journey = """ just a small tone girl Leaving in a lonely whirl she took a 
midnight tray going anywhere Just a seedy boy bored and raised in south 
detroit or something He took the midnight tray going anywhere"""

rep = {"tone": "town",
       "tray": "train",
       "Leaving": "living",
       "or something": " "}

# use these three lines to do the replacement
rep = dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in rep.iteritems())

# Python 3 renamed dict.iteritems to dict.items so use rep.items() for latest versions
pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys()))

journeyEdit = pattern.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(m.group(0))], journey)


下面是一个从文本中替换单词的示例方法。您可以使用python re包。你知道吗


import re
journey = """ just a small tone girl Leaving in a lonely whirl she took a 
midnight tray going anywhere Just a seedy boy bored and raised in south 
detroit or something He took the midnight tray going anywhere"""
# define desired replacements here

journeydict = {"tone" : "town",
          "Leaving": "living",

# use these given three lines to do the replacement
rep = dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in journeydict.items()) 
#Python 3 renamed dict.iteritems to dict.items so use rep.items() for latest 
pattern = re.compile("|".join(journeydict.keys()))
text = pattern.sub(lambda m: journeydict[re.escape(m.group(0))], journey)


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