
2024-04-25 23:59:15 发布

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目前我的循环停止在用答案替换1。 如何循环它,使它用4个答案替换所有4个空格?你知道吗

easyQuiz = "There are ___1___ countries in the world. The countries with the biggest landmass is ___2___. The coldest continent in the world is ___3___. ___4___ is the capital of China"

blanks = ["___1___","___2___","___3___","___4___"]

easyAnswer = ["195","Russia","Antartica","Beijing"]

#asks users to choose difficulty level
question = raw_input("Shall we start? Easy, Medium, Hard?")

if question == "Easy" or question == "easy":
    answerChoice = easyAnswer

answerChoice = answerList(question)
newprompt = []
newlist = []
index = 0
maxblanks = 3

for quizwords in difficulty(question).split():

    if quizwords == "1" :
        quizwords = quizwords.replace("1",answerChoice[index])

    elif quizwords == "2" :
        quizwords = quizwords.replace("2",answerChoice[index])

        index = index + 1
    joinedlist = " ".join(newlist)

Tags: the答案inworldindexiseasycountries


def easyQuiz(vals):
      return """
There are {} countries in the world.
The countries with the biggest landmass is {}.
The coldest continent in the world is {}.
{} is the capital of China""".format(*vals)

# There are ___1___ countries in the world.
# The countries with the biggest landmass is ___2___.
# The coldest continent in the world is ___3___.
# ___4___ is the capital of China

# There are 195 countries in the world.
# The countries with the biggest landmass is Russia.
# The coldest continent in the world is Antartica.
# Beijing is the capital of China


import re
easyQuiz = "There are ___1___ countries in the world. The countries with the biggest landmass is ___2___. The coldest continent in the world is ___3___. ___4___ is the capital of China"
easyAnswer = ["195","Russia","Antartica","Beijing"]
answers = re.sub('___\d+___', '{}', easyQuiz).format(*easyAnswer)


'There are 195 countries in the world. The countries with the biggest landmass is Russia. The coldest continent in the world is Antartica. Beijing is the capital of China'


for blank, answer in zip(blanks, easyAnswer):
    easyQuiz = easyQuiz.replace(blank, answer)


answer_dict = dict(zip(blanks, easyAnswer))
result = re.sub("___\d___", lambda m: answer_dict[m.group()], easyQuiz)

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