
2024-04-19 22:16:44 发布

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# list of sensor items [have 300 plus; only showing 4 as example]
list = ["temp", "pressure", "vacuum", "burner"]

# sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame([('2019-05-10 7:30:05', 'temp', '99'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:05', 'burner', 'TRUE'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:10', 'vacuum', '.15'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:10', 'burner', 'FALSE'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:10', 'temp', '75'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:15', 'temp', '77'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:20', 'pressure', '.22'),\
                            ('2019-05-10 7:30:20', 'temp', '101'),], ["date", "item", "value"])
# current dilemma => all sensor items are not being captured / only updates to sensors are being captured in current back-end design streaming devices
|              date|    item|value|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|    temp|   99|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|  burner| TRUE|

|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  vacuum|  .15|
|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  burner|FALSE|
|2019-05-10 7:30:10|    temp|   75|

|2019-05-10 7:30:15|    temp|   77|

|2019-05-10 7:30:20|pressure|  .22|
|2019-05-10 7:30:20|    temp|  101|


Spark Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError Window Function?

# desired output
|              date|    item|value|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|    temp|   99|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|  burner| TRUE|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|  vacuum| NULL|
|2019-05-10 7:30:05|pressure| NULL|

|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  vacuum|  .15|
|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  burner|FALSE|
|2019-05-10 7:30:10|    temp|   75|
|2019-05-10 7:30:10|pressure| NULL|

|2019-05-10 7:30:15|    temp|   77|
|2019-05-10 7:30:15|pressure| NULL|
|2019-05-10 7:30:15|  burner| NULL|
|2019-05-10 7:30:15|  vacuum| NULL|

|2019-05-10 7:30:20|pressure|  .22|
|2019-05-10 7:30:20|    temp|  101|
|2019-05-10 7:30:20|  vacuum| NULL|
|2019-05-10 7:30:20|  burner| NULL|

Tags: 数据falsetruedatevalue时间传感器sensor
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-19 22:16:44

my comment上展开:


from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

sensor_list = ["temp", "pressure", "vacuum", "burner"]

        .crossJoin(broadcast(spark.createDataFrame([(x,) for x in sensor_list], ["item"]))),
    on=["date", "item"],
).sort("date", "item").show()
#+         +    +  -+
#|              date|    item|value|
#+         +    +  -+
#|2019-05-10 7:30:05|  burner| TRUE|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:05|pressure| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:05|    temp|   99|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:05|  vacuum| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  burner|FALSE|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:10|pressure| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:10|    temp|   75|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:10|  vacuum|  .15|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:15|  burner| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:15|pressure| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:15|    temp|   77|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:15|  vacuum| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:20|  burner| null|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:20|pressure|  .22|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:20|    temp|  101|
#|2019-05-10 7:30:20|  vacuum| null|
#+         +    +  -+

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