
2024-04-26 21:19:46 发布

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我的目标是将给定数S的所有分区按预定义值进行分解,使之和小于S且大于0.8S。 例如,S=1000,我们要将1000分解为17x+20y+150z类型的和,因此17x+20y+150z小于1000,大于800。你知道吗


Tags: 类型目标数组分区定数将值义值


For example, S = 1000, and we want to decompose 1000 into a sum of type 17x + 20y + 150z, so that 17x + 20y + 150z is less than 1000



I've come across a solution of a similar problem, but I am having trouble understanding how can I store the values into an array.


[list(partitions(i)) for i in range(int(0.8*S), S)]

其中partitions是您链接到的函数,由David Eppstein发布,我将复制到下面:

def partitions(n):
    # base case of recursion: zero is the sum of the empty list
    if n == 0:
        yield []

    # modify partitions of n-1 to form partitions of n
    for p in partitions(n-1):
        yield [1] + p
        if p and (len(p) < 2 or p[1] > p[0]):
            yield [p[0] + 1] + p[1:]




from itertools import count

mx, my, mz = 17, 20, 150
lo = 990
hi = 1000

solns = []
for z in count(1):
    sz = z * mz
    if sz > hi:
    for y in count(1):
        sy = sz + y * my
        if sy > hi:
        d = lo - sy
        x = max(1, -(-d // mx))
        for x in count(x):
            s = sy + x * mx
            if s > hi:
            t = (z, y, x, s)

for t in solns:


(1, 3, 46, 992)
(1, 4, 45, 995)
(1, 5, 44, 998)
(1, 8, 40, 990)
(1, 9, 39, 993)
(1, 10, 38, 996)
(1, 11, 37, 999)
(1, 14, 33, 991)
(1, 15, 32, 994)
(1, 16, 31, 997)
(1, 17, 30, 1000)
(1, 20, 26, 992)
(1, 21, 25, 995)
(1, 22, 24, 998)
(1, 25, 20, 990)
(1, 26, 19, 993)
(1, 27, 18, 996)
(1, 28, 17, 999)
(1, 31, 13, 991)
(1, 32, 12, 994)
(1, 33, 11, 997)
(1, 34, 10, 1000)
(1, 37, 6, 992)
(1, 38, 5, 995)
(1, 39, 4, 998)
(2, 1, 40, 1000)
(2, 4, 36, 992)
(2, 5, 35, 995)
(2, 6, 34, 998)
(2, 9, 30, 990)
(2, 10, 29, 993)
(2, 11, 28, 996)
(2, 12, 27, 999)
(2, 15, 23, 991)
(2, 16, 22, 994)
(2, 17, 21, 997)
(2, 18, 20, 1000)
(2, 21, 16, 992)
(2, 22, 15, 995)
(2, 23, 14, 998)
(2, 26, 10, 990)
(2, 27, 9, 993)
(2, 28, 8, 996)
(2, 29, 7, 999)
(2, 32, 3, 991)
(2, 33, 2, 994)
(2, 34, 1, 997)
(3, 1, 31, 997)
(3, 2, 30, 1000)
(3, 5, 26, 992)
(3, 6, 25, 995)
(3, 7, 24, 998)
(3, 10, 20, 990)
(3, 11, 19, 993)
(3, 12, 18, 996)
(3, 13, 17, 999)
(3, 16, 13, 991)
(3, 17, 12, 994)
(3, 18, 11, 997)
(3, 19, 10, 1000)
(3, 22, 6, 992)
(3, 23, 5, 995)
(3, 24, 4, 998)
(4, 1, 22, 994)
(4, 2, 21, 997)
(4, 3, 20, 1000)
(4, 6, 16, 992)
(4, 7, 15, 995)
(4, 8, 14, 998)
(4, 11, 10, 990)
(4, 12, 9, 993)
(4, 13, 8, 996)
(4, 14, 7, 999)
(4, 17, 3, 991)
(4, 18, 2, 994)
(4, 19, 1, 997)
(5, 1, 13, 991)
(5, 2, 12, 994)
(5, 3, 11, 997)
(5, 4, 10, 1000)
(5, 7, 6, 992)
(5, 8, 5, 995)
(5, 9, 4, 998)
(6, 2, 3, 991)
(6, 3, 2, 994)
(6, 4, 1, 997)


x = max(1, -(-d // mx))

//是楼层除法运算符,a // b返回小于或等于a/b的最大整数。你知道吗

因此-d // mx是最大的整数,因此-d/mx是最小的整数。但是,这有时会产生非正值(当sy>;=lo);当出现这种情况时,max函数确保1是分配给x的最小值。你知道吗



def linear_sum(lo, hi, coeff):
    ''' Find all positive integer solutions of the linear equation with 
        coefficients `coeff` with sum `s`: lo <= s <= hi 
    num = len(coeff)
    vector = [1] * num
    mx = coeff[-1]
    s = sum(coeff[:-1])
    while True:
        olds = s
        xlo = max(1, -((s - lo) // mx))
        xhi = 1 + (hi - s) // mx
        s += mx * xlo
        for vector[-1] in range(xlo, xhi):
            yield s, tuple(vector)
            s += mx

        # Increment next vector component
        k = num - 2
        vector[k] += 1
        s = olds + coeff[k]

        # If the component is too high 
        while s > hi:
            if not k:

            # reset this component,
            s -= coeff[k] * (vector[k] - 1)
            vector[k] = 1

            # and increment the next component.
            k -= 1
            vector[k] += 1
            s += coeff[k]

# Tests

coeff = 150, 20, 17

# Create a list    
solns = [v for v in linear_sum(800, 1000, coeff)]

# Generate solutions one by one and verify that they give the correct sum
for s, vector in linear_sum(990, 1000, coeff):
    assert s == sum(u*v for u, v in zip(coeff, vector))
    print(s, vector)


992 (1, 3, 46)
995 (1, 4, 45)
998 (1, 5, 44)
990 (1, 8, 40)
993 (1, 9, 39)
996 (1, 10, 38)
999 (1, 11, 37)
991 (1, 14, 33)
994 (1, 15, 32)
997 (1, 16, 31)
1000 (1, 17, 30)
992 (1, 20, 26)
995 (1, 21, 25)
998 (1, 22, 24)
990 (1, 25, 20)
993 (1, 26, 19)
996 (1, 27, 18)
999 (1, 28, 17)
991 (1, 31, 13)
994 (1, 32, 12)
997 (1, 33, 11)
1000 (1, 34, 10)
992 (1, 37, 6)
995 (1, 38, 5)
998 (1, 39, 4)
1000 (2, 1, 40)
992 (2, 4, 36)
995 (2, 5, 35)
998 (2, 6, 34)
990 (2, 9, 30)
993 (2, 10, 29)
996 (2, 11, 28)
999 (2, 12, 27)
991 (2, 15, 23)
994 (2, 16, 22)
997 (2, 17, 21)
1000 (2, 18, 20)
992 (2, 21, 16)
995 (2, 22, 15)
998 (2, 23, 14)
990 (2, 26, 10)
993 (2, 27, 9)
996 (2, 28, 8)
999 (2, 29, 7)
991 (2, 32, 3)
994 (2, 33, 2)
997 (2, 34, 1)
997 (3, 1, 31)
1000 (3, 2, 30)
992 (3, 5, 26)
995 (3, 6, 25)
998 (3, 7, 24)
990 (3, 10, 20)
993 (3, 11, 19)
996 (3, 12, 18)
999 (3, 13, 17)
991 (3, 16, 13)
994 (3, 17, 12)
997 (3, 18, 11)
1000 (3, 19, 10)
992 (3, 22, 6)
995 (3, 23, 5)
998 (3, 24, 4)
994 (4, 1, 22)
997 (4, 2, 21)
1000 (4, 3, 20)
992 (4, 6, 16)
995 (4, 7, 15)
998 (4, 8, 14)
990 (4, 11, 10)
993 (4, 12, 9)
996 (4, 13, 8)
999 (4, 14, 7)
991 (4, 17, 3)
994 (4, 18, 2)
997 (4, 19, 1)
991 (5, 1, 13)
994 (5, 2, 12)
997 (5, 3, 11)
1000 (5, 4, 10)
992 (5, 7, 6)
995 (5, 8, 5)
998 (5, 9, 4)
991 (6, 2, 3)
994 (6, 3, 2)
997 (6, 4, 1)

这里是一种递归方法,给定一个下限a,一个上限b,和一个系数列表nums,返回一个非负整数向量列表,当与相应的系数相乘然后求和时,返回一个介于ab之间的和。函数允许0作为值。但请注意,例如,整数解(x,y,z)x,y,z >= 1(x,y,z)之间有一个简单的一一对应关系

990 <= 17x + 20y + 150z <= 1000

溶液(x,y,z)x,y,z >= 0

990 - 187 <= 17x + 20y + 150z <= 1000 - 187


import math

def allSolutions(a,b,nums):
    if len(nums) == 0:
        return []

    c = nums[0]
    m = max(0,math.ceil(a/c))
    M = math.floor(b/c)

    if len(nums) == 1:
        return [(x,) for x in range(m,M+1)]

    solutions = []
    for x in range(M+1):
        solutions.extend((x,)+s for s in allSolutions(a-c*x,b-c*x,nums[1:]))
    return solutions


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