Pandas Python 算法想法

2024-04-25 08:45:10 发布

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index household carID   waypoint

497   201248    2       from home       15
498   201248    2                       18
499   201248    2       to home         19
500   201248    1       from home       10
501   201248    1       to home         10
502   201248    1                       19
503   201248    1       to home         0
504   201248    2       from home       8
505   201248    2                       9
506   201248    2       to home         9



我想要的是计算CarID2的缺席时间:从第一次驱动from home08:00,到最后一次驱动to home19:00。你知道吗


index household carID   waypoint            absent
497   201248    2       from home       15   
498   201248    2                       18
499   201248    2       to home         19   4
500   201248    1       from home       10
501   201248    1       to home         10
502   201248    1                       19
503   201248    1       to home         0    14
504   201248    2       from home       8
505   201248    2                       9
506   201248    2       to home         9    11 (because the final end time is 19:00 see upper table)


Tags: to数据frompandashomeindex情况小时
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 08:45:10


df['time_24'] = df['time'] # a new column having times from 01 to 24 instead of 00
df.loc[df['time'] == 0, 'time_24'] = 24 # replacing 00 with 24
df.join(df.groupby('carID')['time_24'].max() - df.groupby('carID')['time_24'].min(), on='carID', rsuffix='_r')
df['absent'] = df['time_24_r']


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