
2024-06-07 06:00:47 发布

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问题#1)我对python和一般的代码都不熟悉。我想从一个CSV中获取数据,该CSV有一列标记为“U.S.OSHA Recordable?”。在那一栏里,每个答案不是“是”就是“否”。我想展示一个绘图栏显示“23个是”和“7个不是”。基本上是将列中“是”和“否”的总数相加,然后在1个干净的条形图中显示总数。它将显示两个条形图,总数字位于两个条形图的顶部。。。。问题是,条形图现在在X轴上有一条直线,每条直线分别表示27次“不,是,不,是,不”。我希望用户可以很容易地看到1个条形图显示只有2个总在顶部像这张图片条。你知道吗


import pandas as pd # powerful data visualization library
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # allows us to plot things
import csv # allows us to import and use CSV commands which are simple but effective

data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\rmond\Downloads\PS_csvFile.csv', encoding="ISO-8859-1", skiprows=6) #skiprows allows you to skip the comments on top... & ecoding allows pandas to work on this CSV
data.head() # this will give the first row that you want it to read the header
data.plot.bar(x='U.S. OSHA Recordable?') #creates a plot in pandas
plt.show() # shows the plot to the user

Tags: csvtheto代码importpandasdataplot


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import pandas as pd # powerful data visualization library
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # allows us to plot things
import csv # allows us to import and use CSV commands which are simple but effective
import seaborn as sns # it counts everything for you and outputs it exactly like I want
# This website saved my life https://www.pythonforengineers.com/introduction-to-pandas/
# use this to check the available styles: plt.style.available

data = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\rmond\Downloads\PS_csvFile.csv', encoding="ISO-8859-1", skiprows=6) #skiprows allows you to skip the comments on top... & ecoding allows pandas to work on this CSV
ax = sns.countplot(x='U.S. OSHA Recordable?', data=data)
plt.show() # shows the plot to the user



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