从2d numpy数组中提取旋转一维轮廓的结果不一致

2024-06-02 08:49:11 发布

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我有一个表示图像的2D numpy数组(见下文)。Central PSF for band 3: http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allsky/expsup/sec4_4c.html#rchisqind


为了做到这一点,我使用了这两个问题的技巧(以给定的角度提取线,然后使用单变量样条线来计算给定一维剖面的半高宽):How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy array?Finding the full width half maximum of a peak


import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

def profiles(image, theta):
    max_y, max_x = np.where(image==1) #the image has been normalized so that the highest intensity point=1
    max_y, max_x = max_y[0], max_x[0]

    subimage = image[max_y-50:max_y+50, max_x-50:max_x+50] # now the maximum is exactly centered at (50, 50)

    # Set up to extract profiles (do two legs to ensure it passes through centroid)
    x_maj_1, y_maj_1 = 50-50*np.tan(theta), 0
    mid_x, mid_y = 50, 50
    x_maj_2, y_maj_2 = 50+50*np.tan(theta), 99

    # Form axes
    length_maj = int(round(np.hypot(x_maj_2-x_maj_1, y_maj_2-y_maj_1)))
    x1, y1 = np.linspace(x_maj_1, mid_x, length_maj//2), np.linspace(y_maj_1, mid_y, length_maj//2)
    x2, y2 = np.linspace(mid_x, x_maj_2, length_maj//2)[1:], np.linspace(mid_y, y_maj_2, length_maj//2)[1:]

    # Concatenate legs
    x_maj = np.concatenate((x1, x2), axis=0)
    y_maj = np.concatenate((y1, y2), axis=0)

    # Get profile
    z_maj = subimage[y_maj.astype(np.int), x_maj.astype(np.int)]
    return z_maj

def interpolate_width(axis):
    half_max = 1/2
    x = np.arange(0, len(axis))
    spline = UnivariateSpline(x, axis-half_max, s=0)
    r1, r2 = spline.roots()
    return r2-r1 #FWHM in pixel units


thetas = np.arange(0, 45, 0.5)
widths = []
for theta in thetas:
    theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
    z = profiles(image, theta)
    width = interpolate_width(z)

fwhm_maj = max(widths)
angle_arg = np.array(widths).argmax()
angle_max = thetas[angle_arg]
print('Maximized FWHM and associated position angle:', fwhm_maj, angle_max)

输出:Maximized FWHM and associated position angle: 20.899 14.5



Tags: the图像imagenpwidthlengthmax角度
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-02 08:49:11


import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, interpolate, optimize

img = ndimage.io.imread('VJQwQ.png')
# b&w
img = img[..., 0]
# cut "white letterbox"
img = img[:, np.where(np.any(img!=255, axis=0))[0]]

# setup interpolator for off grid pixel values
x, y = img.shape
x, y = (np.arange(z) - (z-1)/2 for z in (x, y))
intr = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, img, kx=3, ky=3)
s = np.arange(-50, 51)

# setup line sections
# for simplicity we assume the peak is in the center
def at_angle(phi):
    def f(s, shift=0):
        x, y = np.cos(phi)*s, np.sin(phi)*s
        return intr(x, y, grid=False) - shift
    return f

# example
phi = np.pi/3
f = at_angle(phi)
mx = f(0)
left = optimize.brentq(f, -50, 0, (mx/2,))
right = optimize.brentq(f, 0, 50, (mx/2,))

# plot it
from matplotlib import pylab
pylab.plot(s, f(s))
pylab.plot([left, left], [0, mx])
pylab.plot([right, right], [0, mx])
pylab.plot([-50, 50], [mx/2, mx/2])

enter image description here

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