
2024-04-28 20:55:06 发布

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template = r'''


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\noindent Form A

\noindent \newline

\noindent \textbf{Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System}

\noindent Marine Travel Routes and Management Plan for High Speed Ferries of SkyPier

\noindent \textbf{\underbar{}}

\noindent \textbf{\underbar{Environmental Audit Checking Record}}


\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|X|} \hline Reference Plan: & Marine Travel Routes and Management Plan for High Speed Ferries of SkyPier (EP Condition 2.10) \ \hline Monitoring Data: & Ferry movement data collected in the period between \textbf{\underbar{"%(start_date)s" to "%(end_date)s"}} \ \hline Information and Data Checked: &\CheckedBox Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data \newline \CheckedBox Daily SkyPier HSF movements \newline \CheckedBox Record of potential deviations \newline \CheckedBox Response provided by the ferry operators\ \hline Comments and Observations: & The deviation of implementation of SkyPier HSF plan was checked. Eight notices were issued by AAHK to ferry operators related to potential speeding across the SCZ, not travelling through the gate access points and \ \hline


\noindent \newline \newline \newline \newline \newline \newline

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|X|X|X|} \hline & ET Leader \newline ET's Representative & IEC \newline IEC's Representative & PM \newline PM's Representative\ \hline Signature&&&\ \hline Name & Terence Kong&&\ \hline \end{tabularx}





page = template % {'start_date' : 'a', 'end_date' : 'b' }


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只需将%%%替换为偶数%,例如%%%%%%,如果您希望在生成的Latex代码中正好有3 %,但是任何其他偶数也可以。你知道吗

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