
2024-05-29 01:41:34 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


contig  protein start end
con1    P1  140 602
con1    P2  140 602
con1    P3  232 548
con2    P4  335 801
con2    P5  642 732
con2    P6  335 779
con2    P7  729 812
con3    P8  17  348
con3    P9  16  348

我想删除同源的p或冗余的p,我假设它们分别是那些具有相同起始和终止位点的和具有较小起始或终止位点的。所以我的输出文件是这样的, 文件.txt你知道吗

con1    P1  140 602
con1    P3  232 548
con2    P4  335 801
con2    P7  729 812


from itertools import groupby
def non_homolog(hits):
    overst = False
    for i in range(1,len(hits)):
        (p, c) = hits[i-1], hits[i]
        if p[2] <= c[2] and c[3] <= p[3]:
            if not overst: nonhomolog.append(c)
            overst = True   
    return nonhomolog

fh = open('example.txt')
oh = open('nonhomologs.txt', 'w')
for qid, grp in groupby(fh, lambda l: l.split()[0]):
    hits = []
    for line in grp:
        hsp = line.split()
        hsp[2], hsp[3] = int(hsp[2]), int(hsp[3])
    hits.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
    if non_homolog(hits):
        for hit in hits:
            oh.write('\t'.join([str(f) for f in hit])+'\n')

Tags: 文件intxtforifhitsp3p1
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-29 01:41:34


# this code assumes Python 2.7
from itertools import groupby, izip
from operator import attrgetter

INPUT    = "file.txt"
HOMO_YES = "homologs.txt"
HOMO_NO  = "nonhomologs.txt"

class Row:
    __slots__ = ["line", "con", "protein", "start", "end"]

    def __init__(self, s):
        self.line    = s.rstrip()
        data         = s.split()
        self.con     = data[0]
        self.protein = data[1]
        self.start   = int(data[2])
        self.end     = int(data[3])

    def __str__(self):
        return self.line

def count_homologs(items, max_diff=MAX_DIFF):
    num_items  = len(items)
    counts     = [0] * num_items
    # first item
    for i, item_i in enumerate(items):
        max_start = item_i.start + max_diff
        max_end   = item_i.end   + max_diff
        # second item
        for j in xrange(i+1, num_items):
            item_j = items[j]
            if item_j.start > max_start:
            elif item_j.end <= max_end:
                counts[i] += 1
                counts[j] += 1
    return counts

def main():
    with open(INPUT) as inf, open(HOMO_YES, "w") as outhomo, open(HOMO_NO, "w") as outnothomo:
        # skip header
        next(inf, '')
        rows = (Row(line) for line in inf)

        for con, item_iter in groupby(rows, key=attrgetter("con")):
            # per-con list of Rows sorted by start,end
            items = sorted(item_iter, key=attrgetter("start", "end"))
            # get #homologs for each item
            counts = count_homologs(items)
            # do output
            for c,item in izip(counts, items):
                if c:
                    outhomo.write(str(item) + "\n")
                    outnothomo.write(str(item) + "\n")

if __name__=="__main__":



con1    P1  140 602
con1    P2  140 602
con3    P9  16  348
con3    P8  17  348


con1    P3  232 548
con2    P6  335 779
con2    P4  335 801
con2    P5  642 732
con2    P7  729 812

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