
2024-06-02 07:38:30 发布

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目前正在使用Kivy/buildozervm将Python脚本转换为APK,但是每次使用“buildozerandroid debug”时都会出现这个错误

[INFO]:    # Prebuilding recipes
[INFO]:    Prebuilding hostpython3crystax for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    hostpython3crystax has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_image for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_image has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for sdl2_image[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    sdl2_image already patched, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_mixer for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_mixer has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for sdl2_mixer[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    sdl2_mixer already patched, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_ttf for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_ttf has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding python3crystax for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    python3crystax has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[ERROR]:   The python3crystax recipe can only be built when using the CrystaX NDK. Exiting.


# (str) Android NDK version to use
#android.ndk = 10.3.2

# (list) Application requirements
requirements = python3crystax,kivy

# (str) Point to the directory where you extracted the crystax-ndk:
#android.ndk_path = ~/kivy/Downloads/crystax-ndk-10.3.2/


Tags: thenoimageinfoforhassdl2mixer