
2024-06-06 15:40:59 发布

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这个程序计算未来的价值 每年固定的投资。 输入年投资:200 输入年利率:.06 输入年份:12 12年价值:3576.427533818945


principal = eval(input("Enter the yearly investment: "))
apr = eval(input("Enter the annual interest rate: "))
years = eval(input("Enter the number of years: "))
for i in range(years):
    principal = principal * (1+apr)
print("The value in 12 years is: ", principal)

Tags: theinprincipalinputeval金额apr计划


yearly = float(input("Enter the yearly investment: "))
apr = float(input("Enter the annual interest rate: "))
years = int(input("Enter the number of years: "))

total = 0
for i in range(years):
    total += yearly
    total *= 1 + apr

print("The value in 12 years is: ", total)


('The value in 12 years is: ', 3576.427533818945)



2)+=*=是方便的简写:total += yearly表示total = total + yearly。它有点容易打字,但更重要的是,它更清楚地表达了意义。我是这样读的

for i in range(years): # For each year
    total += yearly    # Grow the total by adding the yearly investment to it
    total *= 1 + apr   # Grow the total by multiplying it by (1 + apr)


for i in range(years):        # For each year
    total = total + yearly    # Add total and yearly and assign that to total
    total = total * (1 + apr) # Multiply total by (1 + apr) and assign that to total

正如评论中所建议的,您不应该在这里使用eval()。(有关eval的更多信息,请参见in the Python Docs)。--相反,在适用的情况下,将代码更改为使用float()int(),如下所示。


principal = float(input("Enter the yearly investment: "))
apr = float(input("Enter the annual interest rate: "))

# Note that years has to be int() because of range()
years = int(input("Enter the number of years: "))

for i in range(years):
    principal = principal * (1+apr)
print "The value in 12 years is: %f" % principal


pmt = investment per period
r = interest rate per period
n = number of periods
v0 = initial value
fv = lambda pmt, r, n, v0=0: pmt * ((1.0+r)**n-1)/r + v0*(1+r)**n
fv(200, 0.09, 10, 2000)


pmt = lambda fv, r, n, v0=0: (fv - v0*(1+r)**n) * r/((1.0+r)**n-1) 
pmt(1000000, 0.09, 20, 0)

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