
2024-04-19 10:13:04 发布

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我想要的格式如下所示。Child类将由我以外的开发人员定义,因此我希望限制尽可能少。(例如,在理想情况下,我不想用super(Child).f(a)来代替return a。)我也不确定如何在我的模型中使用关键字参数,这更可取。你知道吗

class Parent:
    def f(self, arg):
        print("Received {}.".format(arg))
        return arg ** 3

class Child(Parent):
    def f(self, c, b, a):
        print(a, b, c)
        return a

# Prints "2 1 0" and "Received 2.". Sets value to 8.
value = Child().f(0, 1, 2)

Tags: 函数selfchildreturn定义valuedef格式
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-19 10:13:04


I would like to define a function with the same name as its parent which returns a value that the parent can receive




class Child(Parent):
    def f(self):
        return 2

我希望Child().f()返回2,但是如果您在添加arg ** 3的幕后添加隐藏逻辑,那么我将得到8,并且完全困惑并诅咒您的库添加了非常不直观的规则。你知道吗


class Parent:
    def f(self, *v_args):
        arg = self.helper_f(*v_args)
        print("Received {}.".format(arg))
        return arg ** 3

    def helper_f(self,*args):
        "really should be an abstract method, must be implemented in a subclass"
        raise NotImplementedError("Must override in a subclass!") 

class Child(Parent):
    def helper_f(self, c, b, a):
        print(a, b, c)
        return a

# Prints "Received 2.". Sets value to 8.
value = Child().f(0, 1, 2)


class Child_Method_Redirector(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, cls_dict):
        if bases is not ():
            if "f" in cls_dict:
                cls_dict["_auto_renamed_helper_f"] = cls_dict["f"]
                del cls_dict["f"]
        return type.__new__(meta,name,bases,cls_dict)

class Parent(metaclass=Child_Method_Redirector):
    def f(self, *v_args):
        arg = self._auto_renamed_helper_f(*v_args)
        print("Received {}.".format(arg))
        return arg ** 3

class Child(Parent):
    def f(self):
        return 2

# now it does Print "Received 2." and Sets value to 8.
value = Child().f()

但是请不要这样做,这是违反the zen

Explicit is better than implicit.
There should be one and preferably only one obvious way to do it.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

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