
2024-04-19 01:43:18 发布

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def getPitchInHz(filename):
    file3 = wavReadMono(filename)
    spec = abs(fft.fft(file3)) #compute the magnitude spectrum
    rate = 44100 #44100 Hz
    freqs = fft.fftfreq(size(spec))*rate #array of frequencies corresponding to bins
    Spec = spec[0:size(spec)/2] #spectrum up to the Nyquist
    duration = size(Spec)/rate
    #periodic time = 1/frequency
    pt = 1/freqs
    t = arange(0, duration, 1/rate) #t is an array of equally-spaced time points
    #plot(t[0:size(spec)/2], spec[0:size(spec)/2])
    harmonics = 5
    i = 0
    plot(freqs[0:6000], Spec[0:6000]) #
    xlabel("Frequency, Hz") 
    #v = []
    #print "Fundamental frequency approx. ", freqs[peakIndex], "Hz"
    print "Duration", duration
    print "The length of the spectrum is ", size(Spec)

    while i < harmonics:
        peakIndex = argmax(Spec)#find index for peak frequency
        if peakIndex in v: #if index is already in array do 
            Spec[peakIndex] = 0 #Set this peak to zero so that we can use argmax to find the next highest:
            v[i] = peakIndex #then add index to array
    for x in range( len(v)):#loop through array of index starting with the peak frequency that occurs earliet
        print "harmonic ", x , "     Frequency ", freqs[v[x]], "Hz        ", abs(Spec[v[x]]), "magnitude"

    return pitch

Tags: ofthetosizeindexratearrayprint