
2024-04-24 03:05:04 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


import csv#, StringIO
import itertools, Levenshtein

# open the newline-separated list of words
path = '/Users/path/'
file = path + 'wordlist.txt'
output1 = path + 'ortho1.csv'
output2 = path + 'ortho2.csv'
output3 = path + 'ortho3.csv'
output4 = path + 'ortho4.csv'
output5 = path + 'ortho5.csv'
output6 = path + 'ortho6.csv'

words = sorted(set(s.strip() for s in open(file)))

# words is a list with 16349, so I split it in to 6 mini lists
verbs1 = words[:3269]
verbs2 = words[3269:13080]
verbs3 = words[13081:9811]
verbs4 = words[9812:6542]
verbs5 = words[6543:3273]
verbs6 = words[3274:len(words)]


with open(output1, 'wb') as f:  
   writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=",", lineterminator="\n")   
   for a, b in itertools.product(verbs1, words):        
       if (a < b and Levenshtein.distance(a,b) <= 5):
                    writer.writerow([a, b, Levenshtein.distance(a,b)])


Tags: csvpath方法inimport列表foropen


verbs = [words[:3269],words[3269:13080],words[13081:9811],words[9812:6542],


for i in range(len(verbs)):
    output = '{}ortho{}.csv'.format(path,i+1)
    with open(output, 'wb') as f:  
        writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=",", lineterminator="\n")   
        for a, b in itertools.product(verbs[i], words):        
            if (a < b and Levenshtein.distance(a,b) <= 5):
               writer.writerow([a, b, Levenshtein.distance(a,b)])


  • 不要为verbsoutput各有六个不同的变量,而是使用两个列表;这样可以更容易地调整“拆分点”或子列表的数量,并且不必复制粘贴代码块来比较六次单词;只需使用另一个循环即可
  • 子列表words[13081:9811]是空的,并且第二个索引小于第一个索引的任何其他索引也是空的
  • 使用verbs1 = words[:3269]verbs2 = words[3269:13080]words[3269]将位于子列表的中,因为第二个索引是独占的;以下列表也是如此
  • 为了防止这是您的意图,拆分列表将而不是减少复杂性或运行时间,因为您仍然需要比较每个单词;a*x + b*x + c*x(a+b+c) * x相同
  • 与其检查a < b并取消product的一半,不如改用^{}(但这只在而不是拆分列表时有效)
  • 如果您只对具有编辑距离<= 5的对感兴趣,可以先进行一些其他检查,例如比较两个单词的长度,或设置包含字符的差异;这两种检查都比实际的编辑距离检查快,即O(n²),并且可能排除许多组合
  • 出于同样的原因,不要计算编辑距离两次,一次在检查中,一次在将其写入文件时,而只计算一次并将其存储在临时变量中
  • 如果您分割文件,以便输出文件不会变得太大,Excel无法处理(据我所知,您的一条注释),您的方法可能不起作用,因为输出文件的大小可能会急剧变化,这取决于子列表中有多少匹配项


path = '/Users/path/'
with open(path + 'wordlist.txt') as infile:
    words = set(s.strip() for s in infile)

combs = itertools.combinations(words, 2)
max_count = 10**6 # or whatever Excel can handle
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(combs, max_count)):
    with open("%sortho%d.csv" % (path, i), "w") as outfile:
        writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=",", lineterminator="\n")   
        for a, b in chunk:
            if might_be_close(a, b, 5):
                d = Levenshtein.distance(a,b)
                if d <= 5:
                    writer.writerow([a, b, d])

这里,chunkssplit an iterator into chunks的函数,might_be_close是比较例如长度或所包含字母集的辅助函数,如上所述。output文件的大小可能仍然不同,但永远不会超过max_count。你知道吗


max_count = 10**6 # or whatever Excel can handle
matches = filter_matches(itertools.combinations(words, 2), 5)
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(matches, max_count)):
    with open("%sortho%d.csv" % (path, i), "w") as outfile:
        writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=",", lineterminator="\n")   
        for a, b, d in chunk:
            writer.writerow([a, b, d])

def filter_matches(combs, max_dist):
    for a, b in combs:
        if might_be_close(a, b, max_dist):
            d = Levenshtein.distance(a,b)
            if d <= max_dist:
                yield a, b, d


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