
2024-04-20 10:30:01 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
  self.obj[item_labels[indexer[info_axis]]] = value


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[9,10]*6,

print df
     A   B  C
0    9  23 -6
1   10  24 -5
2    9  25 -4
3   10  26 -3
4    9  27 -2
5   10  28 -1
6    9  29  0
7   10  30  1
8    9  31  2
9   10  32  3
10   9  33  4
11  10  34  5


df['B-type'] = 'B'                  # create column with dummy values
df['B-type'][df['B'] > 30] = 'BI'   # populate the column with real values for BI type
df['B-type'][df['B'] <= 30] = 'BII' # populate the column with real values for BII type
print df
     A   B  C B-type
0    9  23 -6    BII
1   10  24 -5    BII
2    9  25 -4    BII
3   10  26 -3    BII
4    9  27 -2    BII
5   10  28 -1    BII
6    9  29  0    BII
7   10  30  1    BII
8    9  31  2     BI
9   10  32  3     BI
10   9  33  4     BI
11  10  34  5     BI


Tags: the警告dataframepandasdfvaluetypewith



df[df['B'] > 30]['B'] = -999


df_something = df[df['B'] > 30]
df_something['B'] = -999

>>> print df
     A   B  C
0    9  23 -6
1   10  24 -5
2    9  25 -4
3   10  26 -3
4    9  27 -2
5   10  28 -1
6    9  29  0
7   10  30  1
8    9  31  2
9   10  32  3
10   9  33  4
11  10  34  5

>>> print df_something
     A    B  C
8    9 -999  2
9   10 -999  3
10   9 -999  4
11  10 -999  5


df.loc[df['B'] > 30, 'B'] = -999

注意,这与df.loc[df['B'] > 30]['B'] = -999不同,后者也是链式赋值。你知道吗


df.loc[df['B'] > 30,'B'] = df.loc[df['B'] > 30,'B'] - 10


In [9]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[9,10]*6,
   ...:                    'B':range(23,35),
   ...:                    'C':range(-6,6)})

In [10]:

In [10]: df
     A   B  C
0    9  23 -6
1   10  24 -5
2    9  25 -4
3   10  26 -3
4    9  27 -2
5   10  28 -1
6    9  29  0
7   10  30  1
8    9  31  2
9   10  32  3
10   9  33  4
11  10  34  5

In [11]: df.loc[df['B'] > 30,'B'] = df.loc[df['B'] > 30,'B'] - 10

In [12]: df
     A   B  C
0    9  23 -6
1   10  24 -5
2    9  25 -4
3   10  26 -3
4    9  27 -2
5   10  28 -1
6    9  29  0
7   10  30  1
8    9  21  2
9   10  22  3
10   9  23  4
11  10  24  5


df.loc[df['B'] > 30,'B'] -= 10

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