
2024-05-15 12:10:50 发布

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我试图从收件箱文件夹中删除邮件,一切正常,但当我切换到所有邮件文件夹时,删除将不起作用。expunge()方法返回('OK', [None]),消息未被删除:

>>>import imaplib
>>>server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com','993')
>>>for i in server.search(None,'all')[1][0].split():
...    print i+"\n"+server.fetch(i,'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject)])')[1][0][1]
#  that how i know what UID hame my message? I select by subject
#Subject: 1 Question Has 1 Answer - Stack Overflow
#Subject: 2222222222
#('OK', ['29 (FLAGS (\\Seen \\Deleted))'])
#('OK', ['29'])
>>> server.select('[Gmail]/All Mail')
('OK', ['47'])
>>> for i in server.search(None,'all')[1][0].split():
...  print i+"\n"+server.fetch(i,'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject)])')[1][0][1]
#Subject: 2222222222
#Subject: 3333333333333333
>>> server.store(47,'+FLAGS','\\Deleted')
('OK', ['47 (FLAGS (\\Seen \\Deleted))'])
>>> server.expunge()
('OK', [None])

Tags: in文件夹comnoneforserver邮件ok

正如它在gmail blog site上所说,谷歌对IMAP的实现有点不同。当你按照说明去获取更常见的语义时,它有帮助吗?

There are also some more obscure options for those of you who want to make Gmail's IMAP work more like traditional IMAP providers: you can turn off auto-expunge or trash messages when they're no longer visible through IMAP.

The IMAP protocol allows messages to be marked for deletion, a sort of limbo state where a message is still present in the folder but slated to be deleted the next time the folder is expunged. In our standard IMAP implementation, when you mark a message as deleted, Gmail doesn't let it linger in that state -- it deletes (or auto-expunges) it from the folder right away. If you want the two-stage delete process, after you've enabled this Lab, just select 'Do not automatically expunge messages' under the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab in Settings.

Similarly, most IMAP systems don't share Gmail's concept of archiving messages (sending messages to the [Gmail]/All Mail folder rather than [Gmail]/Trash). If you'd prefer that deleted messages not remaining in any other visible IMAP folders are sent to [Gmail]/Trash instead, Advanced IMAP Controls lets you set your preferences this way. In the 'IMAP Access:' section of the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab, find the 'When a message is deleted from the last visible IMAP folder:' option. Select 'Move the message to the Gmail Trash.' If you want to take it one step further, you can select 'Immediately delete the message forever.'

使用Gmail advanced IMAP controls可以设置通过IMAP删除邮件时对邮件的处理方式。



然后,当您根据this answer将邮件标记为“已删除”和“已删除”时,根据您选择的设置,该邮件将被移动到收件箱、永久删除或存档到“所有邮件”。


import email, imaplib

user = 'xxx'
pwd = 'xxx'

m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")

m.store("1:*",'+X-GM-LABELS', '\\Trash')

m.expunge() # should be useless, but gmail server says it is ok


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