
2024-06-06 14:46:47 发布

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print(x)' 这里的“x”是自变量

    Restaurant  Cuisines    Average_Cost    Rating  Votes   Reviews Area
    0   3.526361    0.693147    5.303305    1.504077    2.564949    1.609438    7.214504
    1   1.386294    4.127134    4.615121    1.504077    2.484907    1.609438    5.905362
    2   2.772589    1.386294    5.017280    1.526056    4.605170    3.433987    6.131226
    3   3.912023    2.833213    5.525453    1.547563    5.176150    4.564348    7.643483
    4   3.526361    2.708050    5.303305    1.435085    5.948035    5.046646    6.126869
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    11089   3.912023    0.693147    5.525453    1.648659    5.789960    5.046646    3.135494
    11090   1.386294    6.028279    4.615121    1.526056    3.610918    2.833213    7.643483
    11091   1.386294    2.397895    4.615121    1.504077    3.828641    2.944439    5.814131
    11092   1.386294    6.028279    4.615121    1.410987    3.218876    2.302585    5.905362
    11093   1.386294    6.028279    4.615121    1.029619    0.000000    0.000000    5.564520
    11094 rows × 7 columns


    30 minutes     7406
    45 minutes     2665
    65 minutes      923
    120 minutes      62
    20 minutes       20
    80 minutes       14
    10 minutes        4
    Name: Delivery_Time, dtype: int64


FOR FOR MAKING THINGS BALANCE I TRIED SMOTEtomek to oversamplemy data and make it balance. Below are the codes provide and got error.

from imblearn.combine import SMOTEtomek
smk = SMOTEtomek(ratio = 1)
x_res, y_res = smk.fit_sample(x,y)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-54-426e8b86623d> in <module>()
      1 from imblearn.combine import SMOTETomek
      2 smk = SMOTETomek(ratio = 1)
----> 3 x_res, y_res = smk.fit_sample(x,y)

2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/imblearn/utils/_validation.py in _sampling_strategy_float(sampling_strategy, y, sampling_type)
    311     if type_y != 'binary':
    312         raise ValueError(
--> 313             '"sampling_strategy" can be a float only when the type '
    314             'of target is binary. For multi-class, use a dict.')
    315     target_stats = _count_class_sample(y)

ValueError: "sampling_strategy" can be a float only when the type of target is binary. For multi-class, use a dict.

Tags: thesampletargettyperesfloatclassbinary



from imblearn.oversampling import SMOTE

您可以看到Smote的实际实现: https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/imbalanced-learn/blob/master/imblearn/utils/_validation.py#L355



from imblearn.oversampling import SMOTE

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