
2024-04-26 04:27:41 发布

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5.14.  Message-Authenticator

  Earlier drafts of this memo used "Signature" as the name of this
  attribute, but Message-Authenticator is more precise.


  When present in an Access-Request packet, Message-Authenticator is
  an HMAC-MD5 [9] checksum of the entire Access-Request packet,
  including Type, ID, Length and authenticator, using the shared
  secret as the key, as follows.

  Message-Authenticator = HMAC-MD5 (Type, Identifier, Length,
  Request Authenticator, Attributes)

  When the checksum is calculated the signature string should be
  considered to be sixteen octets of zero.

  For Access-Challenge, Access-Accept, and Access-Reject packets,
  the Message-Authenticator is calculated as follows, using the
  Request-Authenticator from the Access-Request this packet is in
  reply to:

  Message-Authenticator = HMAC-MD5 (Type, Identifier, Length,
  Request Authenticator, Attributes)

  When the checksum is calculated the signature string should be
  considered to be sixteen octets of zero.  The shared secret is
  used as the key for the HMAC-MD5 hash.  The is calculated and
  inserted in the packet before the Response Authenticator is




  When the checksum is calculated the signature string should be
  considered to be sixteen octets of zero.


Tags: oftheauthenticator消息messageaccesspacketis
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-26 04:27:41


  1. 将默认消息验证器设置为16字节零
    req["Message-Authenticator"] = 16*six.b("\x00")
  2. 获取原始数据包二进制文件
    raw_packet = req.RequestPacket()
  3. 计算具有共享机密的hmac-md5
    digest = hmac.new(secret, raw_packet, hashlib.md5)
  4. 回写消息验证器
    req["Message-Authenticator"] = digest.hexdigest().decode('hex')

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