
2024-06-16 13:05:16 发布

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import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation # white is + black is - # NxM array of spins def random_spin_field(N,M): return np.random.choice([-1,1], size=(N,M)) def display_spin_field(field): return plt.imshow(random_spin_field(1000, 1000),interpolation='nearest',cmap = 'binary') ## Ising Model # Interaction (ferromagnetic if positive, antiferromagnetic if negative, non-ferromagnetic if zero) Interaction = 0 # every point in the grid def ising_step(field, beta=2): #beta is T**-1 N, M = field.shape for n_offset in range(2): # change order to do the pixels, ie skip pixels for m_offset in range(2): for n in range(n_offset, N, 2): for m in range(m_offset, M, 2): _ising_update(field, n, m, beta) #calculate energy images = field return im, def _ising_update(field, n, m, beta): total = 0 #sum of all of the spins +/-1 of the neighboring points N, M = field.shape for i in range(n-1, n+2):#####loops between the for j in range(m-1, m+2):# block of 9 points including the point itself if i == n and j == m: #remove the point itself continue total += field[i % N, j % M] *Interaction dE = 2 * field[n, m] * total #compute the energy if dE <= 0: #if energy is improved by switching field[n, m] *= -1 #switch elif np.exp(-dE * beta) > np.random.rand(): # prob. of switching anyway field[n, m] *= -1 images = [random_spin_field(100, 100)] fig = plt.figure() im = plt.imshow(images,interpolation='nearest',cmap = 'binary', animated=True) ani = FuncAnimation(fig, ising_step(images[-1]), blit=True)


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